A fight to the finish.

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And there they stood, in the same cave that they had met in. Now it would become the battleground a great friendship. Emma let out a demonic laugh, pointing her glowing finger at Trinity who hesitantly drew her gun.  For a long while they stared each other down, waiting to see who will make the first move. Then as if a signal went off, they both moved toward each other. Trinity fired off a few rounds with her gun, but Emma seemed to freeze the bullets in midair. Emma gave Trinity a sharp toothed grin and fired a blue flame right at her face. Trinity’s Matrix instincts told her to duck, and she did. The flame flew off of the wall of the cave and bounced around. Emma and Trinity both needed to be careful, as the flame would kill the first person it touched, no matter who they were. As Emma fired more flames to add to the chaos, Trinity fired one bullet right at where Emma’s heart was. Emma noticed the smoky bullet and laughed, shooting it right back at Trinity. Trinity doubled over in pain as the bulled impacted. She fell to the floor, blood trickling out of the corner of her mouth as the life in her green eyes faded. Emma had won. This time, for good.

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