Chapter 12

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My skin was sticky with sweat. My forehead in particular. That was the first thing I noticed upon waking up. I felt someone underneath me and warm bare skin against mine. I drew back instantly in panic, because I couldn't gather up a recollection of what happened before I'd fallen asleep.

It was Sadie. I was laying on the bed sideways, fully clothed, - but my shirt was all disheveled like I'd been through a hurricane, one arm inside my shirt and the other in the sleeve like it's supposed to be - and my head in the crook of Sadie's neck. Speaking of Sadie, she was awake and staring at me with wide eyes and hesitant to utter a word.

She had herself covered in a blanket. From the way her shoulders were exposed I assumed she wasn't wearing a shirt, or a bra. It was hot - no, not her, or the fact that she was more than likely naked, but the atmosphere, the temperature in the room. I wanted to ask her if we had sex, although I felt that if we did I would've remembered, and I wouldn't have any clothes on, but who knows? My mind was a fucking blank slate at the moment.

Talk about amnesia. Those damn pills. I was so out of my right mind, which explains why I was in this current position. But then again, I thought to myself, if I didn't get stoned would I have initiated whatever the hell it was I initiated to get in bed with Sadie?

"I'm just going to assume that we didn't fuck, because my clothes are still on," I murmured, groggily falling back onto a pillow. I rubbed my cheeks and groaned obnoxiously. I felt like I had just slept myself into oblivion or something crazy like that.

"Actually, your pants are off," said Sadie matter-of-factly, causing me to look down at my legs. "And no, we didn't. You kind of passed out while we were kissing, scared the devil out of me."

She was right. I was in nothing but but my socks, underwear and t-shirt, which kind of scared the devil out of me. We exchanged a quick look. I was gaping, and looked off elsewhere in disbelief.

"Are you alright there?"

I nodded distantly, all the while trying to grasp onto the memory. I recalled kissing her now, her tackling me to the mattress, removing her bra and saying something along the lines of "Fucking Christ, you are blessed", and a litany of more unnecessary swears at the glorious sight of what that bra concealed, then more vigorous making out, and after that it all became a blur.

"I bet you've never made out with someone who has narcolepsy before, huh?" With my elbow propped up, I held my head in my hand and smiled easily.

Sadie looked shocked, not at all amused. "Are you actually narcoleptic?"

My gaze fell down to her parted lips, then back to those wide eyes filled with curiosity, and her eyebrows arched in confusion. Ah, I wanted to kiss her stupid face, or at least lay there a little longer and admire how faultless her facial features were but instead I just winked and climbed off of her bed.

I had no business being there, and to be honest, knowing that I didn't have sex with Sadie made me feel good about myself. Sure, falling asleep was the only thing that stopped me from going all the way, but at least there was something to stop me. Self-control sure as hell wouldn't have. My conscience? Nope.

My judgment as a lot better now, a lot less clouded. My high wasn't as great as it was before, but once I stood up straight I got the greatest head rush in the history of head rushes. Alright, maybe it wasn't that great, but it was pretty darn soothing to the soul.

"You are so weird."

I snatched my pants up from the floor and hurriedly kicked myself into them. Sadie got out of bed and stretched backward, raising her arms above her head, and I watched with no shame. She ran her fingers through her hair, shaking it out.

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