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When Harry had proposed to him Louis was sure no other day could ever surpass the overwhelming feelings of joy and love he felt for his man.

Louis was so, so wrong.

The setting sun is casting beams of light through the trees and bathing them in a golden shimmer. Their nearest and dearest are standing in the clearing, smiles on their faces, some with tears in their eyes. Over the celebrant's shoulder, Louis can see the rock where Harry had proposed less than two months ago. There was no need to wait or to arrange some big extravaganza, this was all they had wanted, and it was also the only way Louis could think of to top what Harry had done for his birthday.

Louis had woken Harry up this morning with a birthday blow job and had then ridden him into oblivion. His arse and thighs are still feeling it, but it was worth it to see Harry so blissed out and sated afterwards.

They had gotten dressed early and made their way to the office to have their legal ceremony. Annoying as it is that the UK requires a separate legal ceremony before the one performed by the celebrant, it was still lovely. They'd splurged on new suits for the occasion, with Harry choosing a gorgeous black suit with satin lapels and slightly flared trousers, paired with a light pink shirt which brought out his beautiful green eyes. Louis had opted for a light grey suit and a sky blue shirt with silver thread. Both of them had decided on traditional white roses in their buttonholes and polished black shoes.

They're standing facing each other now, hands held tightly as the celebrant reads out the introduction they had so carefully written. She's telling their love story; how they met and fell hopelessly, and completely, head over heels for each other, little jokes thrown in here and there making the crowd chuckle along. It feels surreal hearing it come from someone else's mouth like it's about two strangers, not him and Harry.

Harry. His Harry. His man. His husband. Officially now. They've been married for a few hours already, this is just the ceremony for show. Married. Louis lets the word roll around in his head. Married to the man of his dreams, joined as one, both emotionally and legally.

Louis Tomlinson-Styles. They'd decided that a hyphenated last name was the best option and Tomlinson followed by Styles sounded the most natural. As with most things in their relationship, there had been no unnecessary argument, no fighting for dominance, no drama. Harry had suggested it over a cuppa on their couch and Louis had just leaned over and kissed him on the cheek with a simple sure babe in response.

The celebrant finishes her speech and now it's Louis' turn. He'd written and rewritten his vows so many times that at one point he was ready to chuck it in and just wing it on the day, but that would've been doing Harry a disservice, so he'd persevered. In the end, he'd driven out here, to the lookout, their lookout, and lay gazing up at his star, waiting for inspiration to strike.

"Harry," Louis starts, gazing into Harry's eyes. "I had so much trouble writing these vows, putting the enormity of everything I feel for you into words. I wrote about a million drafts. I tried being eloquent and impressive, with flowery phrases and clever words. Then I tried being witty and succinct, short and sweet with punchy one-liners. But nothing felt right, I was trying too hard. That's the thing about us, about you and me together, it's effortless. We work at our relationship just like everyone else, but it's never a chore. We think of each other first, always, and take into account every action from the others' perspective. It's not just on the big decisions either, it's the simple things too; what to eat, where to go, how high to turn up the heating, what to watch on the tele or what music to listen to while we cook dinner. It's all the little things, the care and consideration we have for each other that makes us so good together. I know that when we're old and grey and wrinkly, you'll still make me a tea before bed just the way I like it even though it means I whine about having to get up to pee through the night, and I'll still keep the heating turned down and wear an extra layer so you don't combust. I can't imagine being with anyone but you, I can't imagine fitting so well with anyone but you. You're my world, my everything, and I feel so lucky to have found you," Louis pauses and takes a deep breath, looking into his husband's eyes and seeing only love and kindness. "Harry. I have loved you forever and I will continue to love you for the rest of our days. I will take care of you no matter what life throws at us, I will support you in everything you do and I promise... to always keeping the heating down," Louis smirks and earns a low, wet chuckle from his man.

Harry steadies himself, squeezing Louis' hands for reassurance and Louis squeezes them right back. "Louis. You've been my guiding light since the moment we met. Your smile can ignite a thousand fires in my heart, filling me with warmth and adoration for all that you are. I love your loudness and your quiet side in equal measure, each one drawing me in and holding me close, taking my breath away. I admire everything you are and everything you will be and I am eternally grateful that I get to share this amazing journey with you. I could spend hours talking about how wonderful you are until our friends and family are asleep on their feet, but I won't submit them to that today, I've got a lifetime to bore them senseless anyway," Harry says and pauses as the crowd chuckles along with him. "I can't wait to start a family with you, to grow old with you, Christmases and birthdays and cold winters nights on the couch, games of scrabble, long drives, happy times as well as all the challenges life throws at us. All of it, side by side, together. I want it all and I can't wait to share it with you. Louis. I have loved you forever and I will continue to love you for the rest of our days. I will take care of you no matter what life throws at us, I will support you in everything you do and I promise... to always make you a cuppa before bed."

The tears are falling down both of their faces, unabashed, and for all to witness. Louis takes a moment to gaze into his husband's red-rimmed eyes, never more beautiful than he is right now. The chill in the February air painting the tip of his nose pink, lips slightly chapped, and hair swept up into an artful swirl.

The celebrant opens her leather-bound notebook wider and holds it out in front of her between Harry and Louis, each of them taking their rings from the fold in turn and sliding them on each other's fingers.

"Harry and Louis, you have declared your love for one another through your vows and the exchanging of rings. You love and devotion to one another has been witnessed by your family and friends in this place that holds a special place in your hearts. It is therefore my great pleasure to introduce you as Mr and Mr Tomlinson-Styles. Husbands, lovers, friends, soulmates. Congratulations!"

Harry is smiling at him, big and broad and wonderful, and Louis refuses to wait another moment to be in his husbands embrace. As if in slow motion, Louis reaches up and wraps his arms around Harry's neck and Harry pulls him in close by the waist. Their lips meet, slotting together perfectly, passionate and warm and sending shivers down Louis' spine.

They break apart, breathless, resting their foreheads together as their laughter and tears mould as one. Louis is so damn happy he wants to shout from the rooftops about how lucky he is, wants to write it in the skies for all to see.

"I love you, Lou. You've made me the happiest man alive," Harry murmurs, barely audible above the crowd still applauding.

"I love you too, Haz. So, so much. Thank you."


Later that night, as they sway to the melody of their song, feet shuffling in time, Louis' head resting on Harry's chest, Harry sings lowly and softly into Louis' ear.

"There's no love

Like your love

And no other

Could give more love

There's nowhere

Unless you're there

All the time

All the way, yeah

Everything I do

I do it for you..."

Everything I Do (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now