the party

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At the last period hermi or something come an sit next to me " hi i am hermella" "helen" "samri asked me to tell you to hung out with us ofcourse if you dont mind " "i'd love to but who is samri"  "the girl with short hair who  bomboarded you with questions " ohh 

The teacher came an started boring us to death with which they call teaching some students are attentively hearing and copying the black board " and that is it for today does anyone has question " the guy which was called nerd before  asked some questions i feel like they are taking in alien language how can he understand that witchcraft,  whatever now the class is done aka my first day of school 

I started packing my things when some girl approached me "so you are friends with that loser" "are you talking to me " then what do i look crazy person who talks with air" actually you do"so what can i help you with " "sweetheart the one who is helping in this situation is me dont hangout with losers" "too bad  bety she already is my friend " hermella  said "honey it is just matter of time before she comes to me like dave i guess you haven't learned your lessons yet" and with that she went out of the class

Then hermella started crying i have no idea what to do so i just hugged her and let her cry in my arms and after she is done i offered to walk her home and our houses were too close so when she reached her home she turned and said thanks " no problem thats what friends do " "friends??"  " u told the mean girl that we were friends never mind if you didnt mean it"  "wait give me your number " and i gave her my number and we started texting we hungout always we become best friends and she is begging me to go to party with her so finally i give in and now she is getting ready when i am in my sweatshirt and loosy pants i know i look like granny but hey we are here because of our grannies 

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