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Yeri POV

"Wahhhhhhhh, YEHEY!!!!!!!!!!" I shout with an excitement, our ent. give us a 3 days vacation, yes, yes, yes

"Jeju Island we are coming!!!!!" Joy unnie also shout with an excitement

"Yah you're destroying my ears" Seulgi said while looking at us deadly

"Unnie is angry because she can't come" Joy teasing unnie

She can't come because of her schedule with Sunmi unnie, she'll be featuring with Sunmi unnie

"Yah,shut up" she make a poker face

"Unnie don't worry we will bring you many gifts" I said

"What gifts?"

"Us" with teasing smile


Irene unnie can't also come because of her photoshoot, she'll be staying in our dorm while Seulgi unnie at Sunmi unnie house.

"Yah unnie you sure can handle by yourself here?" Wendy unnie ask Irene unnie

"Yes, Seulgi is here btw, I can call her" she replied

I saw Seulgi unnie stop smiling. What's wrong with Irene unnie said?

"I should also stay" Wendy unnie added

"Aigoo unnie, we know you are a couple, can you separate for just three days?" Joy unnie teasing them.

Irene slap Joy unnie arm.

"Ahhh it hurts" she is faking it -_-

"Wendy you should go, you just came back from an injury, you should rest to, its only three days though" Irene unnie said.

I know she didn't want Wendy unnie to go but she wants Wendy unnie to rest.

"Okay let's go, you two take care" Wendg unnie said

We bye to each other.

"Take care"

Seulgi POV

I'm packing some clothes right now, I'm so excited about the featuring but the same time sad, unnie will be lonely here, will she be okay?

Irene unnie knocks at my door

"Seulgi? You really need to sleep there?"

Is she afraid?

"Nae unnie, we need to finish it after three days, the awarding shows will start next month, Sunmi unnie wants it"

"Ahhh really?" She is making a sad face, she is really afraid.

"Don't worry unnie, just give me a call if you are afraid, I'll come" said to her and smile

"Who said I'm afraid?"

"It's all shown in your face though" i giggle

She leaves my room and I continue to pack my clothes.

As I am ready to leave, Irene unnie suddenly hold my arm.

"You should come if I tell you to come!" She said

"Ofcourse unnie" I give her a big smile and tap her shoulder

Manager oppa is waiting outside.

Before I get in, in the car I looked back at our dorm.

"I'll come even you don't need me" I whisper

I get in the car and manager oppa start the engine and drive.

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