CHAPTER XXXV- How can I not love you?

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One week before the interview

Yeri POV

I should go to the company, there is still wrong about this, I should know everything.

I ask everyone in the company where Seulgi unnie go when she arrive here.

Director's room

I remember someone said.

I knock at the door but no one answered.

"Kangta Sunbaenim?" I enter his office, maybe he is inside and he doesn't hear me knocking.

I roam around his office

"He is not here?" I said and when I turn I see two folders in his desk, it has Seulgi unnie name.

I was curious so I open it and I saw everything.

"Is this why..." I was cut off

"Yeri!! What are you doing here?"

"Sunbae? Is this why? It's not true right?" I ask him

"You already see it, so yes it's true, and I want you to forget everything what you saw, everything Seulgi did, will be wasted"

I hold myself not to talk back, I clench my fist.

"This company sucks" I said, I grab the two folders and leave his office.

I quickly go to Seulgi unnie dorm.

I press the doorbell many times. Why is she not answering.

"Just wait a minute!!!" I heard her say

She opens the door and I push her inside, I close the door.

"Yeri? What are you doing? Why did you push me?" She ask

"What is this?" I let her see the folder

"Folders??" Really?? She really have time to joke??

"Unnie I'm serious" I look at her seriously

"What about it?" She seriously ask

"You can't just make a decision by yourself!! You should also think about us!!" I throw the folders out of anger..

"Then what about it? Will everything change? If I told everyone, will it be solved? Will it change the fact that we are not really meant to each other? Tell me what should I do?" She cries

"Unnie, its not about it, you should.."

"Tell you?? You know me Yeri, it's okay that it will be me who suffers than all of you, who I treasure the most" she turn around and go to the living room


"Go now, and please don't tell anyone"

I want to approach her but she goes to her room.



Seulgi POV

After our interview, Yeri help me and bring me back to the dorm.

I lay down in my bed

"Sleep now unnie" Yeri said

"Yerimie, komawo" I said, she just smile at me, then I slowly close my eyes.

Irene POV

Should I go or not?
Should I go or not?
Should I go or not?

I keep asking myself if I should go to Seulgi dorm or not. She is sick, I should go.

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