I woke up thirty minutes before the sun was suppose to rise. I placed my crown, breastplate, and shoes on. I ran a brush through my mane. I stepped out into the hall for a bit. I closed my eyes and breathed.
I opened my eyes and Luna was walking down the hall. My mane was beginning to get more colors and starting to flow like it was caught in a breeze. My sister's mane on the other hoof was becoming normal.
"Let's get this over with."she huffed.
Her eyes looked like those of a cat. Her eyes would do that now and then, changing with her mood. Whenever she was confused, scared, or mad her eyes were cat eyes. A shiver coursed through my body.
"Yes, let's go Luna." I said calmly.
We walked towards the balcony, beneath a group of ponies waited for the magic to happen. The moon began to set and the sun began to rise. The ponies began to cheer. They only came for the rising sun, nopony came to see the moon. I turned to smile at Luna, but she had vanished.

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