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How I imagine Marilyn above^

Have you ever heard the quote 'sometimes the place you are use to isn't the place you belong'? Well, that's how I've felt my entire life. I knew I was meant to travel but I also wanted to go to college. I just thought I'd have to deal with not traveling till after college until my school counselor brought up school overseas. Me and my mother applied to probably 10 schools in different places overseas and I only heard back from one. The university of Athens in Greece.

"Marilyn. Earth to Marilyn!" My mother says to me from across the restaurant booth.

"Sorry mom, I'm just distracted with excitement." I giggle back.

"It's okay baby. I know how much this means to you. I'm just going to miss you, ya know?" Mom looks down at her hands sniffling.

"Oh mom, it's not like i won't be back for christmas. It's only five months away. We'll face time every weekend and I'll call you two times a week!" I promise her.

Since as long as I can remember it's just been me and my mom. My sperm  donor left before I was even born. I mean yeah it sucked not having a father figure but since I never had a dad it's not like I knew what I was missing. My mother, Rosalyn, has worked super hard as a nurse to provide for me. She's honestly my best friend and I'd be so lost without her. I'm going to miss her too.

Mother and I ordered our food with the waitress and had conversation while waiting. Once we were finished eating we headed back to our apartment so grab all my bags. I have to be at the air port at 8 p.m. and it's already 6 so I just run in by myself. My once filled room is now barren. My posters and art taken off the walls and my closet empty. I sigh as I pick my bags up and turn my light off. I blow a kiss to the apartment and giggle to myself. I'm so weird.

"Ready baby girl?" My mother says as I hop into the car again.

"As I'll ever be." A tear runs down my cheek and I wipe it away before she can see.

It's a quiet car ride to the airport as I can't stop thinking about how different my life is about to be. I'm so use to my small town and it just bring me and mom. Now I'm going to a big college in a different country all by myself. What if I fail there? I shake my head pushing the upsetting thoughts out of my mind. Before I know it we're pulling up to the front doors of the airport.

"I can only park here for a second. Let me help with your bags." Mom says getting out of the car and going to the trunk of the car.

I walk around the back and help get my bags out and onto a cart. I have 3 bags so I won't be able to carry them by myself. My mom pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the forehead.

"I love you baby. Please call me as soon as you land. No matter what time it is." She says with a stern voice. I know she's just nervous.

"Of course mama. I'm going to miss you so much." I say giving her another hug.

"I love you. Now get going before this security guard gives me a hard time." She says gesturing towards this man in uniform walking towards us.

"I love you." I say turning on my heals and walking into the front doors. I turn to look at her as she drives away.

This is going to be harder than I thought. Getting checked in was super easy as I've flown before. When I was 14 I went to California for the summer to spend it with my grandparents. I smile at the thought and I hear the intercom say my place has began to board. When I get onto the plan I throw my bag into the over head and take the inside seat. A girl with fiery red hair walks up to my seat and smiles at me. I notice that she has beautiful curves and a great fashion sense. She was wearing a striped sweater and mom jeans.

"Hi! I'm Emily! I guess we're seat bunkies for this super long ride." The girl says throwing her bag in with mine in the over head compartment. She sits down next to me with a smile.

"I'm Marilyn Ross." I say sticking my hand out to her.

"We'll nice to meet you Marilyn!" She says grabbing my hand and giving it one hard shake before turning her attention to the other passengers boarding. "Don't you just love people watching? Everyone is so different. Did you know you never forget a face?"

"No Ive never heard of that. What a cool thing to know." I smile politely. I wouldn't say I'm shy but I'm usually more of a quiet person.

We both try and get comfortable as the plain sets to take off. Emily tells me that she's from a small town in Texas but is in Chicago because it was the only flight with only one connection to Greece. I brought up that I too am going to Greece. We also find out that we are both in the same overseas program. This made me feel a bit more at ease since I think Emily and I could really get along well. She reminds me a lot of my friend, Nicole, from middle school. 

The plane started to take off and I feel Emily grab my hand.

"I'm sorry but I've never flown before and I'm terrified." She admits to me.

I just grab ahold of her hand tightly. I won't admit it but I get nervous on flights too. It's nice to have someone to be there for you in those times. After the seatbelt light goes off we let go of each other laughing. I really like Emily and I hope we stay together through out this year. It'd be nice to go in with at least one friend. The first two hours of the flight Emily and I just talk about life. I tell her how it was just mom and I while I grew up and that I'm kind of a loner. She tells me that she has 5 older brothers and she's the baby of the family. Her family has a farm and she knew she wanted something different for herself.

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