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Emily above^^
    It seemed like the 11 hour flight took 5 days. Finally being able to get off the plane and stretching my legs seemed like heaven to me and I couldn't wait. We only have about a half hour till landing and I couldn't be more excited. Before it was too late I decided to go to the plans bathroom to freshen up. Emily moves aside so I can scoot past her and into the isle. I grab my bag from the over head and head to the tiny bathroom. I quickly use the restroom before looking at myself in the small cloudy mirror. My black shoulder length hair laid lifelessly and my eyes look so tired. I grab our my brush and run it over my head. I apply a little concealer and mascara to make me look a little better. Didn't work all that great.

    I go back to my seat and am met by Emily's warm smile. She moves over to the window seat and I take her isle seat.

    "I just want to look out the window as we land. It's already so gorgeous." She says to me.

    I lean to look out of the window and see the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. The water was gorgeous blue and the land was the most luscious green. I couldn't even blink because I didn't want to miss this one of a kind sight. The fasten seat belt light came on and I lean back over to put mine on. Before I know it we're landing. It feels like forever before they finally are letting us off. Emily and I agree to stick together till we get to our dorms. We both grab our bags and head off the plan. I feel a bit wobbly from not being able to really walk around for so long.

    "Okay, where is bag return?" I say mostly to myself.

    "I think over here. Not 100% sure but I guess we'll find out." Emily laughs as she walks toward a crowd of people.

    She obviously was right when we arrived to see people waiting for their bags. It only took about 10 minutes for bags to start rolling out which was surprising because I know that sometimes it takes forever. Emily runs over and grabs 2 floral print bags off the conveyor belt. I then see my bright pink bags and go and grab them off. Emily and I go and try and find a taxi. Neither of us knew Greek that well so it was a bit of a struggle.

    "I guess I should've practiced a little more before coming here." Emily says in her cute country accent. I sometimes wish I was a little less ordinary.

     "τάξη! τάξη!" I yell out hoping im saying the right thing.

    Just to my surprise an old yellow Mercedes taxi pulled right up. In it was a man with brown hair and a fluffy mustache. The man got out and opened the boot of the car gesturing for us to put our bags in. Emily drags her bags across the ground and heaves them into the trunk. I take mine one by one and put them in.

    "που πρέπει να πας?" (Where do you need to go) The mustache man asks.

    "Sorry? We speak little Greek." I reply. Man I really should have studied more.

    "Oh why didn't you just say so. Where do you need to go?" The man asks again in an accent this time. Emily scoffed.

    Emily gives mustache the address on our school enrollment papers and we finally are off to our new adventure.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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