Chapter 3, Natalia

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JANUARY 14th 2018

"There is something important I need to talk to you about" I stand up from my chair and as everybody at the table turns their eyes at me. I realize I didn't think this completely through. Whatever. I'll come up with something eventually, I always do.
Eli gives me an even more puzzled look than my niece Catalina and my stepson Liam. They look rather suspicious and surprised. The last time I gave a speech like this was when I announced Eli's and my engagement and god knows how that went.
"As you all know, my niece Valerie just recently reached out to me." What the hell was I thinking? I didn't have to make such a big deal about me wanting to invite Valerie to the mansion for a few weeks and on top of that I really hate giving speeches and being the centre of attention. But isn't that what rich people do in movies? Knocking at their glass of champagne with a knife and giving marvelous speeches after which everybody starts crying and applauding? "And... I would love to get to know her better. Nothing would make me happier than my nieces to get along" I smile in Louiza's direction. This isn't so bad after all, is it? To be honest, I am quite satisfied with what I said. It wasn't even cringy or anything, but I made my point clear. "Which is why I invited her to stay with us for a couple of weeks. She's coming in next week and I'm asking all of you to welcome her with all the love in our home that you possibly can. She's part of our family and I want her to feel welcome and safe. We've been apart for so long" Okay, now it's starting to get weird. We've been apart for a long time... so? How the heck am I gonna finish this sentence? Even without looking in Catalinas direction I can feel her sceptical looks on me. "There's a lot we have to catch up on." Oh gosh, this is a total disaster. Maybe I should just sit down and shut up, but that would be so embarrassing. I really should have talked to Eli before. What if he tells me now that he doesn't want Valerie to come, because she's a stranger? I mean, he'd be right, I barely know anything about her, but that's exactly why I'd like to meet her in person.
"You are right, honey. I'd be more than happy to welcome her in our home. She's family after all and there's nothing more important than family." I wish I could find words like that spontaneously. That's always been one of the many things I've admired Elijah for. He makes everything sound so essential and so true. No matter what he says, people always believe him without questioning him, which is probably one of the reasons why he is such a successful businessperson. "Valerie can stay as long as she wants to, she'll always be welcome." He gives me a huge grin. I can consider myself the luckiest person on earth to be married to this guy. I can't help, but grin back at him in amazement.
"Cheers!" I pick up my glass and make a gesture in the direction of my stepchildren and surprisingly all of them manage to smile back at me.
"Let's eat before this delicious meal gets cold. Buen apetito!"

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