Hidden scars - Yoongi

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Yoongi was working on a new song in the living room when he felt someone hugging him from behind.

"Hyunggggg you're always working... can you stay a while with meee pleaseee" Jimin told him.

"Just five more minutes Jiminie and I'm coming okay?" He said smiling at the younger boy.

Jimin nodded and hopped away. He leaned on the couch waiting for his Hyung to join him.

Yoongi finished his work and just when he was about to turn off his laptop he heard the voices of Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Hey Hyung what are you doing?" Jungkook asked him kissing his cheek.

"I have just finished writing this song, I'm going to Jimin now to spend some time with him." He said smiling and caressing the younger's cheek.

"Oh Hyung can we join too please..." He hear Taehyung saying.

"Sure guys"

They headed to the couch and Yoongi sat near Jimin with Jungkook on his right side. While Taehyung curled on his lap.

They stayed like that for a while. Until they heard Jin yelling from the kitchen.
"Guys dinner's ready!"

The maknae line got up quickly and Jimin unconsciously grabbed Yoongi's wrist to lead him to the kitchen. However he didn't expect the older to hiss in pain.
Jimin became suddenly concerned.

"Are you okay? Why did I hurt you?" Jimin asked him.

"It's nothing Jimin don't worry let's eat..." he said lowering his tone to make sure the others couldn't hear their talk.

"Are you sure Hyung?" Jimin tried again.

Yoongi just nodded and took the younger's hand leading him to the kitchen.

There everyone started eating. Yoongi was relieved by the fact that Jimin seemed to have forgotten their previous talk.

When they finished eating Yoongi, Jungkook and Jin where left to clean the kitchen.

Yoongi was bringing the plates to the kitchen when he tripped over his own shoes. What a genius you'll say. And he fell with the plates that broke when they arrived to the floor.

Yoongi felt the pieces of glass piercing the flesh of his hands and let a whimper leave his mouth. Soon Jungkook and Jin were by his side.

"Yoongi are you okay? How did this happen?" Jin said taking gently his hands.

"I tripped." Yoongi said while getting up trying to not hit the glasses again.

"Jungkook can you clean this mess? I'm helping Yoongi cleaning this wounds." Jungkook took the necessary and started cleaning everything while Jin accompanied Yoongi to the bathroom.

"Hyung I can clean this by myself there is no need for you to be here." Yoongi said starting to get anxious. He knew what was going to come.

"No I can help you don't worry, you'll end up making them worse" Jin said taking the first aid kit.

"No Hyung really..."

"No more words Yoongi I'm helping you. Come on lift up your sleeves." Jin said getting closer to him.

"No Hyung really i can do it by myself. Please let me clean them alone." Yoongi said moving away from the older.

Jin raised an eyebrow. Why was Yoongi making such a tragedy?

"Yoongi lift up your sleeves or I'll do it by myself." Jin said fearing what he could find.

"N-no Hyung p-please no..." But Yoongi had reached the wall so he was trapped there.

Jin got near him and while giving him a last look he lifted up his sleeves.
For sure he wasn't ready to see what he found.
Yoongi's wrists were covered by scars, most of them seemed new. Seokjin widened his eyes and said.
"How long?"

Yoongi felt wet tears soaking his cheeks.
"It's been about two months..." he mumbled.

"Yoongi you should have gone to one of us. Please darling. Don't do this to yourself. It doesn't hurt just you but even us. We love you. Please promise me that the next time you'll feel the urge to hurt yourself you'll go to one of us." Jin said starting to clean his wounds. Not just the ones on his hands, now even the ones on his wrists that he was sure the younger hadn't cleaned.

"I can try Hyung"

Seokjin understood that this was the most he could get from the younger. At least today.
He was going to add something but Jimin and Jungkook bursted into the bathroom with concerned face but when they saw their hyungs and understood what they were doing they widened their eyes even more.
They're faces were quiete funny if you didn't consider the situation they were in.

Jimin ran to Yoongi's side and hugged him tightly.

"Hyung..." He didn't even know what to say. He was just worried. Worried because it could get worse. He loved his Hyung with all his heart. And he didn't want to see him suffer like this.

That night Yoongi took a bath with Seokjin. He needed the older near him. He needed to hear that everything was going to be okay.

That night he slept near Jimin who big spooned him.

That night he felt loved. He knew that he wasn't alone.

Here's another os. Hope you'll appreciate it.
Love you.
If you have any requests remember to ask. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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