Premire Time

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A/N Hey you all so ya i have not updated this in six months ... woopsie. So im gonna update now and please note that this wont be too long because i have school tomorrow. And its 10 o'clock.

~ Kay

Chapter 15

Kay's Pov

When i got to Delly's Room it was like mass chaos six girls trying to get ready in one room. Without Stormies help it would have been way worse. I bet you want to know what was in those to boxes left by Ry. Well in the first box was a new R5 pick necklace ( since mine faded) and a sliver necklace with a headphone pendant. In the second box was a brand new pair of spiked high heel booties. (A/N Picture of kays premire outfit on the side.)

"Stormie!" I hollared through the house. "Can you come here please i need your help!"

"On my way!" She replied coming into the room a few minutes later. "Ok dear whats the problem?" she asked.

"I don't know what to wear!" i complained

"Lucky for you i keep extra dresses around here and i know just the one for you!" She replied, quickly rushing out of the room returning a few minutes later with a dress bag. "Here try this on"

I unzipped the bag to find a beautiful peach colored dress with silver straps and a silver band around the waist. "Stormie i love it!" I squealed quickly running to put it on. Returning a few minutes later in awe.

"That looks amazing on you!" everyone said when i came back.

"Thanks everyone!" i said hurrying to do my hair and makeup. I quickly slipped on my shoes and necklaces Ry got me. Im ready! i stated.

"Same here!" Everyone else replied.

"Shall we go awe the boys?" Chey asks.

"DUH!, Lets go!" Rydel practically screamed "Mom can you take pictures on my phone of us when we come down stairs please?"

"Of course sweetheart! You have to send them to me though"

"Ok thanks momma Lynch! now we have to go its almost seven!" Jess stated, as we all walked out of the room towards the stair case. We all went down one by one , Chey ,Delly, Kait, Jess, Francia, then me. Momma Lynch snapping away at the camera, the boys waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"WOAH" The guys all said simoutaneously. Each guy grabbed their girl and started whispering. Momma Lynch still taking what im sure was hundreds of pictures.

"You look amazing babe" Ry whispered in my ear.

"Why thank you RyRy. I love my shoes and necklaces by the way!" I whispered back smiling.

"well kids lets go the limo is here.!" Mark stated, as Rydel grabbed her phone from her mom and began sending all of the pictures to us.


"Oh look here comes another car. I wonder who is inside!" The announcer called as the limo driver opened the door and the guys started piling out. "It looks like R5 and their friends! Lets see who else gets out." After the guys all piled out us girls began to step out. "It Looks like Chey , Kay and Kait, from 3 along with the other girlfriends Jess, and Francia." As i climbed out Ry offered me his hand, which i gladly took.

We scurried down the carpet and stopped for pictures before being pulled over to Radio Disney for an interview. "Wow you all look absoulutely amazing!" Maddie stated to all of us." Just a few quick questions for you"

"Ask away" Riker stated

"Whats your favorite part about these red carpet events?"

"I think getting to see all these other musicians and actors its pretty awesome" Ross replied

"Now i know you all have been touring lately so whats its like touring with your friends and partners?"

"Sometimes it gets a little crazy having all of us on one bus, other than that its been a complete blast." I replied

"Last question: Whats the weirdest thing that has happened since you all have been in the same house?"

"Well the other day before the girls went out shopping mom woke me up saying there was food downstairs and i went to take a piece of bacon of of Kay's plate and she bit me!" Ross stated

"Anyone else?"

"When Kay and I first started dating before i could take her on a date Francia took me on the porch and told me if i hurt her she would stab me with a fork." Ry stated

Francia quickly leaned in "And i still mean it too Ryland"

"Ok well you heard it here first im Maddie and this was R5 , 3 and their friends Francia and Leo"

"Ok you all one more interview at the end then we head in" mark stated rushing us to the end of the red carpet.

"Hey you guys hows it going I'm Nash and this is Cameron" our interviewer who some of us already knew stated.

"Hey you all Jess Chey Kay and I are all big fans of your videos!" Francia stated

"Awe, well thanks!" Cam replied

"Ok we have a couple questions then you can go on your way. Who's single?"

" No one actually" Riker replied looking around

"Wow! Ok next question what is your favorite song right now ?"

" Sleeping With A Friend by The Neon Trees" Delly and i said together

"Good Choice! That was our last question thanks for stopping by !"

We quickly headed inside and took a seat.

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