~13~ Let Me Show You Something

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Levi and I are walking down the corridor towards the elevator. I'm not entirely sure where he's taking me, but he's the boss so I do as he says. Not that I'm really complaining, of course.

"Eren, I know you don't think you're good. But honestly, you're really good at what you do." He gushes, making me blush.

"Thanks, Sir." I say and cringe as I say it. It's really weird saying that now that I see and talk to him outside of work.

He furrows his brow slightly and pulls his lips together in a small frown. "Okay, I retract what I said the other day."

"Oh? What did you say the other day?" I ask, confused as we stop in front of the elevator.

"About calling me sir, don't. Just call me Levi. It's weird." He presses the button for it. "Well, except for when we're in front of your colleagues. We don't want them to get the wrong impression, do we?"

"Alright." I smile to myself.

*BING* goes the elevator and the doors open. We step inside and Levi presses the button for the top floor. I haven't ventured up here yet.

"What's on the top floor, Levi?" I ask him.

He turns to me and taps his nose with a smirk. "You'll see." I raise my eyebrows to him and smile back, shaking my head.

"Like I was saying, for your age you're pretty good." He mumbles.

"Thanks." After a few moments I break the silence. "So, where are you from?"

"Originally, France. But I moved here when I was twelve." He replies.

"Cool, so you speak french?" I ask excitedly.

"Oui, parlez-vous français?" He quizzes me with a smirk.

"Uhhh, Nein?" I say one of the only things I know in another language.

"German, ey?" He says. "So what about you, where are you from?"

"I'm actually from Germany, not that I speak the language. I moved here at a young age. My parents died when I was about four and I was moved from house to house until I finally settled with one." He looks at me, watching me as I talk. "They also had Mikasa, my foster sister, living with them at the time. We've been together since we were thirteen and have been inseperable ever since."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your parents... My mom died when I was young too and I haven't seen my dad since I left France. I lived with my uncle Kenny until I moved out and eventually got into modeling.. And now I'm here." He gestures to the building.

"I'm sorry too, but honestly it's fine, it was a long time ago, now. I barely remember their faces."

"You're right, who needs a family anyway?" He says solemly.

"Don't get me wrong, Mikasa is my family. We may not be blood, but she means everything to me." I say wholeheartedly.

"It's nice that you have that with someone." He says with a small smile. "Not everyone does, Kid."

"Okay, so if I'm going to be calling you Levi, you need to stop calling me Kid. I can't be that much younger than you anyway, what are you, 25, 26?" I ask.

"Awful nosy, aren't you?" He says. "I'm 24 actually."

"Huh, see, not that big of an age gap between us. Six years is nothing." I shrug.

*BING* The doors to the elevator reopen. "Mhmm, nothing." He nods and steps out.

As I enter I take in my surroundings, the walls are covered top to bottom in photos from previous shoots of all the models. "Wooow." I breath and continue to follow Levi into the room.

"Yep, this way." He says tugging on my arm lightly and I drag my eyes away from the photos to take his lead. As he steps further into the room, theres a small opening in the wall that I didn't notice in the shape of a doorway. "Now, here's the exclusives. The ones that not just anyone gets to see, especially our newest models. This is usually reserved to our more well known models." He says.

"So, why am I here?" I laugh.

"'Cause it won't be much longer and you will be one of those. You are much better than I could have ever imagined, Eren Jaeger." The way he says my name sends shivers down my spine and I just blink at him in reply which in turn makes him smile. "Come one, take a look."

I nod my head and step into the enclosed room, one of the walls is covered in photos of Levi in all his glory. The way he poses in these photos would make anyone swoon, it's not that he's barely wearing anything, it's the charisma he carries, the looks he gives. I feel my heart start to race as I take him in, then I turn my head and find that he's staring at me.

Taken aback I flinch slightly, "What?"

He shakes his head with a small smile,  "Nothing. Just trying to see your reaction."

"Oh." I turn back to the photo's, pointing at the one I particularly like. He's standing on a beach, pale beige pants, bare foot and his white shirt is open and blowing in the wind along with his hair. "I like this one, you actually look happy and peaceful."

"That was actually one of my worst shoots. I hated it." He chuckles. "I was definitely not happy, nor was I peaceful. I really hate the feeling of sand on my feet."

"Well, you learn something new everyday, huh?" I reply. "You look good either way, you have abs for days and your jawline is..." I blurt before realising what I just said and look away not finishing my sentence.

"Oh, you think?" He smirks then looks at his feet. "Not too bad yourself, Kid."

"Hey, I thought we were passed the 'kid' thing?" I say with a mock scowl.

"Sorry, force of habit." He holds his hands up.

"It's fine, Sir." I smile at him playfully and he bites his lip before looking away again.

"How often do you come up here?" I ask.

"Whenever I'm lacking in inspiration. But I usually stand out there, it's weird coming in here just to look at myself." He furrows his brow slightly.

"Yeah, I can imagine." I reply.

"Alright, let's go. I'm getting weirded out by all the eyes." He says walking out of the room and I just let out a small snicker and follow him back to the elevator, he presses the button and the doors immediately open.

"So what now? Shall we go check back on Erwin?" I ask as he presses a button.

"Actually, I gotta head back to my office." He says checking the time on his watch and the elevator jolts into action. "I have a meeting in ten minutes and I can't be late for this one."

"Oh, right." I say, looking at the floor solemnly.

A few moments pass and *BING* the doors to the elevator reopen to his floor. "I'm sure I'll catch up with you later, Kid." He says with a small smile and steps out.

"Really, sir? Again with the 'kid'?!" I say incredulously before the doors shut. I sigh with a smile, press the button for my floor and lean back against the wall of the elevator, shaking my head. Christ, this is too much.


A few hours later, Erwin and I had just finished looking over the pictures and he was telling me what needs to be done, how he's going to do it, etc. When Hanji pops her head through the door, gaining our attention.

"Eren, Levi is asking for you to go to his office." She says and then pops her head back out again and closes the door behind her.

"Oh." I say looking at Erwin.

"Best get to it! Don't wanna keep the boss waiting." Erwin says, nudging me in the ribs and winking.

"Shut up! We're not like that. Besides, he's my boss!" I exclaim and get up from my chair.

"Suuuure!" He says with a smile, looking back at his work.

I groan and roll my eyes before heading for the door.

Let Me In (Au) - An Ereri StoryWhere stories live. Discover now