The Battle of the Beach

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The ships somehow managed to move both quickly and unbearably slow at the same time. Shane drew his rusted but strong sword, pointing it towards the enemy. It was a claymore with a giant blade that was surprisingly light for its size. Kent lifted a hand, silently telling him to put it back. Shane did so begrudgingly, realizing that if there was any chance to not aggravate the Gotoro, they should take it.

Though he knew the chance was nigh impossible.

"Should I do anything?" Haley asked, breaking the torturous silence.

Kent exchanged looks with Willy and Gunther. Finally, Gunther responded, "I don't think so. When they decide what to do when they arrive, run to Lewis and tell him what's going on. Got that?"

Haley nodded. Shane heard her sniffle, though nothing more came of it. He tried not to let his emotions show, at least not to the extent of someone like her or Elliott. Nevertheless, he was aware of how his feelings would eventually win the battle by making him down several beers once this was all over.

The metal roof of a submarine appeared, its metallic sheen barely distinguishable from the glimmer of the waves. The expressions of those around Shane changed from fearful to determined, and they made their way from the fires to the shoreline.

Shane found himself thinking of his aunt Marnie and Jas, his niece and goddaughter. Hopefully they were still safe and warm at the Community Center. "I'm going to beat their asses if they come any closer."

"Careful," Elliott murmured, from a short distance away. "Anger can be such an...animalistic emotion."

"Oh, and what else does Mr. Bleeding Heart know about controlling emotions?" Shane asked. Elliott glared at him, but kept silent.

The submarine reached the furthest dock and stopped there. Shane released a mist of breath as he waited for the soldiers to emerge.

A small group crawled out from the hatch, carrying powerful-looking rifles. They spoke surprised words that Shane couldn't understand.

Willy walked to where the dock met the sand. "We've been wonderin' if you were still comin'." He gave a forced chuckle. "Gave us quite a fright."

The soldiers had no response.

"We're a peaceful town, a kind town," Willy continued. "I'm sure you have places like ours where you come from. But we'll fight if we must, no matter the cost. So please leave us be!"

A noise finally came from the soldiers. Laughter. Shane gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to just charge at them and get the impending battle over with.

Willy drew his sabre. "This is your last warnin'. Keep your bloody wars on the battlefield, not our homes!"

The soldiers stopped laughing. Shane realized he had been reaching for his sword again, and froze. They were discussing something. Maybe he was imagining it, but they seemed more relaxed. Perhaps hoping for peace was not unreasonable. The soldiers looked back at them.

In barely a second, Willy had fallen back with a bullet to the chest.

All of Shane's worst nightmares broke loose. The soldiers headed to the beach, shooting as they ran. Shane heard someone—Dr. Harvey, maybe—yelling at Haley to run, run back to the mayor and tell him what had happened.

About to follow the group back to the trees, Shane looked back at the shore. Willy still lay there, with the waves creeping towards him. Elliott had fallen to his knees next to him.

"Get up! Dude, get up!" Alex yelled as he headed past him to the trees.

Shane ran forward. Elliott's jaw was slack, and the whites of his eyes showed. With barely a second thought, Shane grabbed him by the coat collar, pulling him away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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