6. sleep x

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Hellooo ppl look who is back🙈 ik i haven't uploaded this story for so many days now but i had my own reasons. I was sick and top of that i am currently having my exams which will continue next week also. So i cant promise of giving an update next week.
But till then you can enjoy this one ❤️🙈 Thank you for giving so much love to this story.

Inline comments are love..! Would appreciate if you guys like and comment on the story. It gives a moral boost up.


Nandini: jo tumne pucha tha uske liye YES..!

Manik: whattt...? Seriously.
(He thought of teasing her and make her say the things what she wants)
Kya baat puchi thi maine ? (Smirking)

Nandini:(she shys while saying)
Wohi that you and me....(stammering and shying) WHATEVER...!

Manik laughs listening to her whatever.

Manik: jo baat tum bol nahi paa rahi ho woh tum kar paogi.
I dont think so (he says shaking his head n taunting her)

Nandini: (cringing her eyebrows) I am even capable of doing things that you are unable to say. (In full confidence)

Manik goes near nandini and whispers in her ear.
Manik: reallyyy...? I dont think so.

Nandini in her drunken state says
:Try me.

Manik smirks at her and pulls her with him Towards his bedroom.

While manik is dragging her towards his room currently they are passing the corridor ,she is in her drunken state jerks his hand away and starts running from there. And yells

Nandini: manikkkk...! Catch me if u can...

And she starts running the whole corridor . Her hairs are swaying and heels making sound and she laughing while running.
Manik for few seconds couldn't analyse what did just happen, but when he came back to his own self he sees nandini is running smiling and gigling.
Seeing her smile from inside the shine in her shine captivated him.
He was so lost in her , he didnt knew when nandini came near him and pushes him with her hands on his chest.

With the sudden push he kind of lost his balance and to save himself he catched nandini ,but becoz she was high she couldn't balance too and landed upon him chest.
In the middle of the corridor manik is lying and over him is nandini .
They look into each other's eyes. They can feel their hearts increasing beat.

Manik being in the eye locked state moves his finger from her arms sliding up towards her shoulder and tucks her hair strands which were blocking his way to gaze nandini's face.
He has never seen someone so beautiful, cute and sexy at the same time. Well nandini was different and thats why it brought manik closer to her.

Nandini: (closed her eyes as manik was tucking her hairs strands) : manikk!!
She whispers him name.

Manik felt peace to his heart hearing his name being taken by nandini. There was this unknown satisfaction when nandini took his name. It felt all the demons inside him vanished away.

Nandini lost in manik again whisper his name but this time with a tint of playfulness in her voice.

She gets up immediately from manik and starts running again.
This time manik understands her mischievous idea and starts chasing her.

Manik: nandini wait .....waitt..(laughing n running behind her.)

Nandini: manikkkk...! You cant catch me .(she shows her tongue to him).

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