Mysterious Man

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~With Finley~

After my last match in PROGRESS, it was time for me to join NXT. I'm on my way and when I heard that I'll be helping Danny Burch up after Karrion Kross destroys him, but it's not until next week.

On my way to the performance center, I got a call from my only trust worthy friend: Kevin Steen (Owens).

KO: Hey man. You getting here?

Me: I am, Kevin. You know my way in meetings right?

KO: I do, man. You'd prefer one on one than meetings, but I will be with you for the time being.

Me: Thanks mate. I'm almost there.

KO: See you then.

I hung up and when I got there, I saw Kevin. He's must be feeling jolly good today.

Me: Hello Kevin!

KO: What's up, Fin!

Me: What's up is the ceiling!

He laughed at the joke as I was giggling a bit too.

KO: That's a good one! Anyway, we should talk with Hunter now.

Me: Let's see him.

As we walked in, he seemed delighted to see me, but right now, I trust Kevin. He's helped me sign with NXT, and I have to make sure that I only trust KO, him and him alone.

Hunter: Finley Flanigan?

Me: Yes?

Hunter: I'm Paul Levesque, but you can call me Hunter.

He and I shook hands as Kevin sat me down after.

Hunter: Welcome to WWE.

Me: Thank you.

Hunter: You know the plan for next week, right?

Me: I think so.

Hunter: Good. I have this contract right here and once you sign, we will tell the roster, but not the media because next week, you'll be helping Danny Burch up after Kross annihilates him, but you will be wearing a black trenchcoat with a black scarf and a hat to conceal your identity.

Me: Who's Danny Burch?

Hunter: He's a tag team partner with Oney Lorcan, but I think he's be perfect as a heel. Oney has what it takes to be a singles competitor and I think Danny needs a change.

Me: No offense, but I haven't had a good history with other people.

Hunter: Don't worry, son. He's a good man. He'll understand.

Me: I hope so.

Hunter: Kevin, do you mind if Fin lives with you for the time being?

Kevin: No, not at all.

Hunter: Alright. Finley, I'll have a real estate salesperson find a house for you. For the time being, go get some rest. You're probably jet lagging right now.

Me: I am. I actually came here after I got the call from Kevin.

Hunter: Oh, well, I do help you get some rest. Go on. Get out of here.

Me: Yes sir.

We shook hands and I went with Kevin to his house.

I'll never forget how much Kevin has done for me. He's the only man I trust. Him and only him alone.

~Wednesday; NXT~

I could drive to Full Sail, but Hunter wanted me to conceal my face because I have the clothes ready.

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