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~With Finley~

When we went to the back, Hunter was smiling at me. I didn't what it was about until he said this...

Hunter: Did you mean everything you said.

Me: Yes Hunter. Did you see the tears in my eyes. It tells the whole story: I don't want anymore of this heat that's been on me. It was all for a storyline and I had to break the fourth wall out there.

Hunter: Enough. I understand where you're coming from, Fin. I accept your apology, but "wanker", "dick", and "fuckin'" will be bleeped out because it was how you feel about all of the pressure being put on you. I'm letting that go because it broke you and I understand your frustration. All of you go home and get some rest, I'll handle the booking, but before you go, the match that TKG and LDF will be in is a six man tag match. And if you win, one of you will get a chance at the Cruiserweight Championship. Is that clear?

Me: Crystal.

Hunter: Now get out of here.

We went to our locker rooms to shower and dress and go home. When we got home, Io and I were making out and just feeling frisky since my apology was accepted by Hunter and, somehow, the entire Latino community.

Io: Did you mean everything in that speech?

Me: Yes, my love. I wanted my apology to mean something, but I just feel like I need a couple weeks off.

Io: A couple weeks?

Me: Yes. Since the whole racist stuff and our whole rivalry with LDF, I think I need some time off to regain my thoughts and take a break.

Io: Oh, sweetie.

She kissed my cheek and hugged me.

Io: I'm going to tell Hunter about this. Where do you wanna go?

I smiled because I know where I wanna go.

Me: Home. I think it would be brilliant to introduce you to my family back in England. Like I said, I just need some time off from all of this racist shit and this rivalry we have going with LDF.

Io: You want me to tell Hunter about going to England?

Me: Mention it, but don't insist. I'll tell the lads about it and hopefully they understand what I'm doing.

Io: I'll text him right now.

Me: Thanks Io. I love you, lass.

Io: Love you too.

We kissed as she texted Hunter.

~With Io~

Hearing from my boyfriend that he needs some time off from NXT to spend time with his family in England, simply because of what just happened breaks my heart. I love him so much. I don't want him to suffer any more of this so I had to text Hunter about this.

Me: Hunter?

Hunter: What's going on, Io?

Me: It's Finley. If you got time, I want to talk to you.

Hunter: I got time, what seems to be the trouble?

Me: Because of what's been going on with the racism and the whole thing with Legado Del Fantasma, he just needs to clear his head. He wants to go home just needs some time.

Hunter: I can understand that. He can take a couple weeks off after the match next week. Go with him Io. He would need you for support.

Me: Thank you so much, Hunter!

Hunter: It's nothing. You have any questions, don't hesitate to call or text me.

Me: See you Hunter!

Hunter: Bye now.

I told Fin the plan for next week and he was okay with that, but I can tell in his eyes, he just wants it all to end. Who can blame him?

~With Finley; Next Wednesday~

During our match with LDF, Santos dropkicked me off the apron to the floor, signaling to me that I have to sell an ankle injury.

I grabbed my ankle and screamed bloody murder. Io and Kevin checked on me as I winked at them that this was all a plan to take some time off from NXT.

Danny then rolled up Santos for the three count and we won, as I still sold the injury while it was the worst feeling possible.

In the back, we packed up and went straight to the airport. It was going to be a while for me to get all of that racism out of my head while the others are going after the tag titles and Cruiserweight Championship.

For right now, it was just Io and I on the plane to home: London, England for a two week vacation.

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