Chapter 1

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Third person POV
I am sitting on the side of the lake by the bridge. I am suppose to look out for the he-man woman haters club because my brother is on a "date" with darla on a boat on the lake singing to her but the reason I am here is because my brother is in the club and I have to make sure they don't see but you see I am kind of working on a go cart for the go cart race happening in a few days so I really did not see some of the members of the he-man women haters on the bridge listen to alfalfa and darla.

Aspen POV
I look up and see spanky and some other members of the he-man women haters club and my eyes widen and try and get alfalfa's attention on me but he was to busy talking to darla "oh alfalfa's going to kill me" I say in a whisper, I get my stuff in my bag and run over to alfalfa when all that was done and said " we have a problem" when darla was long gone alfalfa's face went in to worry, " what?!?!" he said, and me being me did not what him to know that I messed up my one job because of a race I said " umm dad said we had to be home about 6 minutes ago for dinner", "oh ok..... well let's get going" he says and we walk the 10 minutes to get home and for some luck of mine we were actually 6 minutes late so that's not weird at all

The next day me and alfalfa were walking to the club house and he is telling me what happened on the boat yesterday, when butch and woim stop right in front of us in a beat down go cart "hi-a butch" alfalfa said, "shut up" said butch and I can already feel the rage boiling up inside and I think alfalfa see's that in the corner of his eye because he grabbed my hand. 'When's the last time I beat you up" said butch, "oh I will beat you up all right just what till I get my hands-" just as I was about to finish my thought alfalfa tried saying something to distract them with words and I think of a way to get out of here. " well lets see today's the 10th thirty day past September, April, June and November. It's not a leap year, y-y-yesterday" "your do"  I finally get a idea " look" I say pointing behind butch and woim with the hand that's not holding alfalfa's and when they look I drag alfalfa behind me on the way to darlas

when we get there alfalfa gives darla the flowers he got her but now they have no flowers on them " here you go" alfalfa said and they both lean in to kiss and I turn my head so I won't see them kiss when a dog jumps on my brother " HEY ?!?" I say, them a man calls the dog and he gets back, I help up alfalfa when this kid our age come up to us. " I hope Fefe didn't startle you she is so playful" ? Said " ya well make sure he didn't attack my brother again and we won't have a problem ok" I said, he looks me up and down and alfalfa side eyes me giving me that 'you better behave or I will tell dad you get in a fight again' and I gave him the look of ' if you do I will tell him you a have secret girlfriend' and he stops giving me the look and I smile."forgive my effrontery but you miss are a rare rose in a garden of weeds, you have the sophistication of a woman of 12" darla looks amazed by the words and me and alfalfa are twins but when it comes to stuff like this we are different, alfalfa looks frozen and me? oh I am furious not only was he flirting with darla, my brothers girlfriend and one of my best friends she looks like she is in love with this dude.

" name is Waldo aloysius Johnston the third" Waldo says, I look at him and if looks could kill oh I am definitely killing him, "I'm alfalfa and my twin sister aspen", "yes I am sure you are" Waldo says,"and I'm darla" darla says, " we are new in town, my father bought the oil refinery" Waldo says,"that explains why you are so refined" darla says, " girl you have a boyfriend and have date with him to night" you think, you and alfalfa say "yeah and so oily" and high five behind your backs." Watch it bud" Waldo says, "I hope to see you again soon" he adds. "well that can be arranged I will be appearing at the talent show this weekend" says darla," yeah the two of us" alfalfa says as he refers to him and darla, " and you" Waldo says to me, "me? oh I don't sing I build things" I say proudly, " yes of course you build things but it would be more lady like to sing or dance like darla" he says making me go red of anger, alfalfa sees this and has to hold me back with one arm. "well I should be going now " Waldo says, "wow" says darla " what a hunk" she adds.

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