Chapter 2

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Aspen POV
When we get to the club house alfalfa gives a little tour of the place to darla but I have been here at night so I know the place but no one knows I come here even alfalfa so he was surprised when I just knew where to sit in a little corner where no one can see you.  Alfalfa made sure all the locks on the door are locked, and darla looks at every thing and sat on a chair where they are supposed to have there date, alfalfa puts down the table darla says "a candlelit lunch, I'm dazzled" that when I look up to see alfalfa lighting some matches I got him then I look over to see spanky alfalfa's best friend I have always had a crush on him because of what my brother has said about him and when I see him but he would never like me as he is the one and only president of the he-man WOMAN HATERS club, then I realize that they can see that darla is here and I figured that they will sabotage the date

spanky POV
we are outside of the club house and looking through the holes though the walls and can see that our plan is working right now porky is putting sand in the sandwiches and look inside one more time and look over to see another girl in the club house but she is just reading or something and she kind of looks like alfalfa but I don't know. a few minutes later alfalfa and darla are having a kiss we decided that was enough so we all go pound on the door until he opens the door

aspen POV
They kiss then there are people pounding on the door, "wow wow wow wow" alfalfa says as you start getting your stuff together, " why thank you" darla says, alfalfa starts to blow out the candles but miss one and but the table back so it's up on the wall, and alfalfa says "I forgot to give you a tour" even though he already did but you are to busy trying to find a way out where the boys won't see you " this is the wall this is the other wall and this is the closest" alfalfa said opening the closet door, "have you lost your mind" darla says as you already found a way out the blurr because you are sure this place will burn down and your brother will be defeated if he knew he destroyed the blurr so I sit in it wading for darla to look over here." Do you what to go in there?" alfalfa asked, "just as I thought you are ashamed of me" darla says "I'm not ashamed of you I'm proud of you.......I just don't what anyone to see you"he says, "well that dose it mister I'm out of here" darla says as she looks back she sees me in the blurr and hopes in.i can hear alfalfa trying to get the boys outside but I am trying to see how this thing works I know how to but all go carts are different so I take a minute then i got it and I run in to the wall and then me and darla get out of the blurr after I parked it a little ways down, and by they time I come back because darla did not what any part in this I find my brother on the ground sleeping?..... then I remembered the fire and got an idea

I have to say my idea worked it was to go get spanky and some other kids to get the water hose from the apartments and it worked as always and right now I am looking at my unconscious brother. Darla come over here and throws the ring alfalfa just give her and says "I'm never going to speak to you as long as I live",and walks of with Waldo. Just a darla was walking away alfalfa woke up and every one started blaming him on burning the club house down. I just stand there listening

A little later we are all in the burnt club house sitting on some chairs but since I am a girl my brother just told me to be out of sight. "all rise for juge spanky" some kid says, they stand then sit down a few seconds later. Alfalfa looks defeated but if they lay one finger on him the wish the were never born, "how do you plead" spanky says, "like this" alfalfa said,"please oh please have mercy please" he adds, " mmmmm pretty good pleading" a kid says. "would you like to make a statement" spanky says, "just that liking a girl could lead to all this" alfalfa says, " I let my pals down, I let the club down and I let my best friend down" he adds. "alfalfa swizer I hear by sentence you to execution at dawn" spanky declares, by now I am angry if this spanky kid even thinks about touching my brother he is dead. Every one starts agreeing with spanky," your honor may I suggest your court rule that he be put on probations, the turn of the probation he will be responsible for watching the go cart, day and night" one kid with a hat on says, "court agrees" spanky says " you mean you what me to spend the night here, all alone out in the open, what about the wild dingos" alfalfa says "deal with it" spanky said, " and another part of his probation the he-man shall not talk to, se or even think about darla or else ahsgajhs" the one kid says " yeah!!!!" They all agree,

So I was talking with my brother earlier today and he said to just stay home even though their was a storm to night so I just went home and started to plan some things for the go cart race, but right now at this very moment I was sitting on the ground looking outside my window thinking of spanky I know he was kids of rude to my brother but I just could not get him out of my mind today. I soon went to sleep and I went to sleep dreaming of spanky

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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