III. In Need Of Answers

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Chapter Three

Bucky and Soroya were kind enough to offer to fly us home, which allows us to spend time with Jo in the back. John is tagging along with us as well, he wants to be there for the meeting we have to attend in Wakanda later this afternoon with the other Avengers. Sharon and the other CIA agents are taking the kids back to the US and John will meet her there after today's meeting. Hopefully they can get all the kids back to their homes without any trouble, and hopefully Ross won't interfere.

John is on the phone with her now going through the details of Anderson's trail and discussing where he should be held temporarily until then. For all I care that man can rot in a ditch, but I guess a high security prison is good too. I just want him to suffer for the rest of his life, and I'm pretty sure Sharon and John will take care of that.

After Soroya and Bucky go through the border patrol, we fly through the barrier, and I direct Jo to the window so she can see Wakanda. She has the same look of wonder everyone has when they set eyes on it for the first time, she looks like she's been taken to Disneyland. Her smile grows even more and she jumps up and down several times as the ship is brought down towards the palace, where the rest of our family is waiting for us. Khari called them a little while ago and told them the news, so it's no surprise to me that they wanted to come here and greet the new addition to our merry band.

Soroya and Bucky turn the engines off and rush off the ship, running down the ramp and over to their kids. Olivia, who is nine years old, and Steve, who is seven, both run into their parents arms. Bucky and Soroya have been gone longer than I have, tracking Anderson throughout the east coast of the US, so it's been a few days since they've seen their children. Bucky picks Steve up and kisses his cheek, locking his arms under Steve's legs and holding him tightly against his side. Olivia hugs onto her mother's waist tightly, exclaiming how much she missed her. Zy'aire, who is ten now, runs over to hug his aunt and uncle as well, hugging onto both of their waists.

When Khari and I descend the ramp with Jo, the joyous reunions halt, all eyes locking onto her. Jo notices this and instantly grows wary, her powers activating, making her go invisible.

"It's okay, I promise. They won't hurt you." Khari tells her, squeezing her hand.

Jo becomes visible again and nods her head, allowing us to lead her over towards the others. Olivia and Zy'aire are the first to approach her, with Zy telling her: "You can turn invisible? That's incredible!"

"What's your name?" Livy asks.

"Jo." She mumbles in reply, still uneasy.

"I'm so excited to have a cousin," Livy says with a large grin. "I'm Olivia, this is Zy'aire, over there is my brother Steve, that's my Uncle T'Challa, my Aunt Nakia, our Aunt Shuri, and our Aunt Okoye. Welcome to the family."

Jo smiles at Livy, seeming to relax a little bit, letting go of my hand and shyly waving it at everyone.

Olivia is very mature for her age, as is Zy'aire, but Steve is just like any typical seven year old, and as Bucky lets him down, Steve runs over to the three kids and tells them: "Come on, lets go play, we can bring her to our treehouse."

"Can we Uncle Alex and Uncle Khari?" Livy asks, looking between the two of us.

We both nod, but as they're about to run off, John comes down the ramp, stuffing his phone in his pocket as he says: "Don't I get a hug first?"

Olivia and Steve squeal with excitement as they run towards John, who bends down on his knees to hug onto both of them.

"We missed you Uncle John," Olivia says as she pulls away from him. "Are you staying here long?"

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