#35 Jealousy

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Hey, sorry for the late update, so.. yeah. Hope that you like the chapter tho... Smiles~ :)

Ryder's P.O.V

"I can't believe she said that." I frowned when Clover told me what Sapphire said.

"Hell are we staying out of this. She's our soon to be Luna." Alec snorted. "I'm gonna kill the people who touched her." Cole grumbled.

"I'm going to make a call to her friend. I'll see you guys later." Clover ignored what we said and left the little shop where we were eating our dinner. "I can't believe I let you guys talk me into having dinner and not destroying their pack." I mumbled and stuffed a piece of chicken into my mouth. Cole rolled his eyes at me. "What's the plan then?" Alec raised a brow. "We'll go back to the pack house and train the guards. Then we'll attack when the time comes." I summarised, leaning into my seat.

"Okay, done. I spoke to Sapph's friend, Bella. She said that Sapph somehow managed to make a deal on staying in a guest room and away from Graysen for the next 4 days-" I cut her off. "She stayed in Graysen's room?" I roared, anger overwhelming me. People in the cafe stared at me like I was nuts. I could feel Jay trying to break the wall I put up. He had been fighting for control from this morning and I managed to block him out. I had just managed to calm down that my mate was abducted and now Clover just had to send me news that she stayed in another man's room, let alone sleep in another man's bed?!

What the fuck woman?

Clover rolled her eyes as if she knew what I was thinking. "Shut up. Do you want to get her back or not?" She growled and I pouted like a 3 year old, slumping into my seat.

My Alpha title won't get me the respect I deserve with this girl.

"They are going to try to sneak her out tomorrow morning when Graysen goes off for pack business." Clover explained and I interrupted before she could continue. "They?" I asked, straightening in my seat. "Yeah, her two friends, Bella and Willow, and her first mate, Leonard." Clover explained. I opened my mouth to complain but she beat me to it. "Ryder Black, I swear, if you complain about her being close to another guy when she has bigger problems to worry about, I will cut off your ball sacks with a chainsaw, dry them under the sun, smash them, and force feed it to you, do you fucking hear me?!" She snarled and I widened my eyes.

"Good." She said when I shut my mouth in fear.

"So, they'll try to sneak her out and we attack at the same time when everybody is panicking on her disappearance." Cole summarised and I nodded, agreeing to the plan.

"That's all then. We just have to wait till dawn." Alec sighed.

Sapphire's P.O.V

Wait- didn't Graysen said his mate died at childbirth? Gwen frowned. I sat up from the fluffy pillows. She's right.

Graysen said that his mate was my mother. Then said that his mate died at childbirth. And Jennifer has no similarities with me or my mother.

That's why he wants to make my life a living hell! It's not all about my mother. It's because he failed to live a life with his second chance mate! He wants me to suffer like him. It all makes sense, I gasped. So your mother was a part of his anger, not all. He's... jealous." Gwen murmured. It doesn't matter if he is jealous or just angry, we need to get out before the Changing. It's already affecting me, Drew growled.

The changing was affecting me too. I could feel heat slowly boiling in me. I literally feel evil stirring in me.

Sapph? Clover's voice invaded my mind. Clover? Did you call her? I asked eagerly. Yes, they'll try to sneak you out at dawn and we'll attack by then, Clover answered. Good, the Changing is slowly affecting me, I mumbled. Don't worry, we'll be there in time, hang on Sapph, She soothed. Thanks Clover, I... I need to rest, I said and quickly blocked her out before she could feel my emotions.

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