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"Pup come with me! " Lillian dragged me from studyroom.

"What's up lily? Do you wanna throw up ? " i asked her as she kept dragging me somewhere.

"We are going to gym. I've some unfinished business with you" she said with a serious look.

What's going on? Is she mad at me for something? Why is that i go through all kinda torture in this universe?

"Did you forget your unfinished question that you wanted to ask me the other day before Austin bumped into us ?" She asked with her hands on her hip.

"Who is that person you like Lillian?" I asked in formal tone after recalling that question.

"Pup don't give me that scary look, i was gonna tell you anyway even if you  had forgotten that question. Its Austin" Lilly said and buried her face in my shoulder by hugging.

Poor girl, she is shy. Gosh, she is my perfect friend on earth.

"That's so cute doll. He is single and not trying for any girl yet. Come on let's go meet him" i said by dragging her.

"Pup not so fast. Slow down." She said by stopping outside gym.

"Okay doll. Take your time. I gotta go now" i said and ran to nick as he was waving at me for a very long time like a mad man, after leaving gym.


"Did you talk to Austin about Kelly?" Nick asked when we sat near auditorium.

"Um - im trying to" i said.

"Poppy do it fast before somebody else could grab that guy away" Annie said as though Austin was a doughnut.

"Ill surely talk about it before Monday." I said.

"If you don't, then we will tell that you are crushing on him. Are you okay with it Poppy?" Nick asked with a grin. "Gosh! Are you guys blackmailing me with that? I can't believe it. Ill tell him tomorrow. This is the end of the story. Guys don't blurt out anything to Austin for God's sake" i said annoyingly and left immediately.


"Hey ! " i waved at Austin as i hurried to his studyroom.

"What have you got?" Austin jumped in excitement.

I wanna tell about Kelly , if not Nick a**hole would tell Austin. Kelly and Lillian are important to me. But i think, it would be fair to tell about Lillian at this time, as there is mutual feelings. God please help me.

"Sweetheart what is taking you so long to open your mouth?" Freddy cut me off from my thoughts.

"Cutie!" I said holding Austin's hand, "Lillian likes a guy."

"Seriously?" Austin's face dropped down to floor.

"Yeah! But she doesn't wanna push it too -" i tried to tell Austin something but one hand shut my mouth. It was Freddy.

"Gross Poppy! You are so dead." Freddy yelled as i licked his hand to make him withdraw. Yay ,it worked.

"Wait up! Im not done yet." I held Austin's arm as he tried leaving.

"I think I've heard enough Poppy" he said with a sad tone.

"Cutie you've mistaken. She like-" again Freddy shut my mouth.

"Poppy what are you trying to say? I don't get you" Austin asked while i was  trying to say its him whom she likes by pointing forefinger towards him.

"She likes you cutie" i barked on his face after licking Freddy's hand.

"Oh my God! Really? Poppy you are my fairy" Austin said with over happiness and squeezed me.

He left the studyroom immediately. I don't know what kinda proposal he is gonna make. I was sitting near Freddy in studyroom. I was in verge of bursting out in tears anytime.

"What's in your mind honey? Spill it out. I can help you" Freddy said soothingly by reading my face.

"I wanna tell you one thing. But that's not how i feel right now, may be i felt that way before"i blabbered without telling the matter.

"Come to the point Poppy"Freddy said and held my hand.

"Um- i- uh- i had crush on Austin", i blurted out finally," before meeting you, before knowing that he was your friend and even before knowing his name.

"Whaaat? So now you are feeling bad because Austin and Lillian like each other?Freddy asked by squeezing my hand.

"Hell no! I already told you that i don't feel that way right now" i said Freddy with teary eye," there is something else that's bothering me Freddy"

"One of my friend likes Austin. Nick asked me to talk about this to Austin and if i don't, he blackmailed me that he would tell Austin about my crushing. Fred i don't think of Austin that way now but i don't wanna lose him at any cost" i said by shedding few drops of tears.

"Sweetheart he won't think bad about you. He likes you like hell too. So just calm down and stop crying. I can't see you like this" Freddy consoled and Hugged my shoulder.

"What's going on here? Am i missing something?" Austin came in with Lillian.

Jesus im so screwed. Walls please take me inside you, atleast my face alone.

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