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I woke up and found the towel was on my tummy yet. That's not strange because i had it on me last night. The strange thing is , the towel was still wet.

Freddy was still sleeping , as usual.

I'm feeling better , actually more than better, I'm completely fine. Thanks to you cutie.

I brushed, had a hair wash and wore a black skirt and pink t-shirt over it. I did wear my inners (don't doubt).

"How are you feeling now baby?" Freddy asked as i was making my bed.

"Ya. Im completely alright." I said as i sat on my neatly made bed.

"Freddy Freddy you know what! The towel was wet, even in the morning, that towel is damn thick." I said.

"It has to be. Because I was the one who kept dipping in water and placing it on your tummy, after it dries." He said and left the dorm for taking a shower.

I was dumbstruck. He did what? So he did wake up frequently to check on that towel. Gosh! This is getting complicated, when i try to move away from him, all these things happen and he acts so bloody damn caring. How the hell will i be able to be without this guy?

He thinks of me as a close friend, that's it. So he did all those things last night. Shut the fuck up brain and heart.

"Come on. Let's go hit the refectory. I'm hungry." Freddy dragged me all the way downstairs for breakfast.

I didn't say a word from the moment i left the dorm.

After breakfast some chick stole Freddy. So i was all alone till dinner time. So sad of me, Lorraine didn't turn up yet.

After dinner i went to chapel.

Jesus please don't ever make me blurt out how i feel about Freddy. It might ruin our friendship.

I stepped out of chapel and saw Freddy with a girl. He gave me a small hug.

"This is Poppy." He introduced me to her, " And this is Lucy."

We shook hands. Normal formalities. Errr.

"So this is that girl huh?" Lucy asked Freddy with a sarcastic look on her face.

"Shut up Lucy." Freddy cut her off.

"What is that?" I asked to both of them with a questioning look.

"Nothing Poppy. See ya." Freddy said and rushed out of my sight by dragging her.

He had said something terrible about me.

I sat on that small stairs ,not knowing what to do,as i didn't have anybody to hang around with. Only after settling down i realised something, i had left my cardigan back in the dorm when Freddy dragged me down in the morning.

Jesus Christ, I'm really a fool. I ran inside the chapel, comparatively it's little warm here. But how long , i can stay here. Im doomed in a holy place.

Get out of chapel right now and run to dorm right away. Very simple Poppy.

Thanks for the idea brain.

I did as my brain instructed me to , but as i neared studyroom, i saw Freddy heading to dorm with Lucy.

I lost it again. I didn't give a try to go upstairs to fetch my cardigan, because i can't see him with another girl. I'm so stupid and weak.

I wanted to sit on my study room's windowsill but what if he comes down, he would roam around here, i can't see that either.

I went to grotto, and sat down leaning on that grill gate, stretching my legs straight on the floor, I'm wearing skirt so i won't dare to fold my knee and let the cold breeze enter that way.

Although i was dying in cold, i enjoyed looking up at the sky that had so many stars, and one star caught my attention as it was too bright. So i just picked it up as my charm, and made a wish too :P.. That i wanna see Freddy right now without Lucy or any other girl.

I kept gazing at that till i heard a thud on the ground.

Jesus! It was Freddy who jumped in front of me. I was stunned. Is it a dream or hallucination? Did my charm really grant my wish?

"What are you doing all alone, in this place?" He asked by standing right in front ,face to face,actually slightly inclined as i was sitting on the floor.

He is real. Love you charm.

"I love this place. What are you doing here. Don't tell me that you are playing hide-and-seek with some girls." I said.

He bursted out laughing and sat down beside me, stretching his leg, just like me, Gosh why does people copy my posture!

"You are just the same Poppy. I was looking for you all around, thought you might've a belly ache again." He said by looking into my eyes.

That was intense.

"Im alright." I said turning the other way round, unable to look at his eyes for long.

"Poppy your are freezing dumbo." Freddy took off his jersey and put it on me. Gentleman huh?

"Thanks. So tell me cutie, why were you ignoring me for some days? Or you still wanna ignore?" I asked looking straight into his light blue eyes.

"I- what? I-uh- i don't know poppy." He finally completed his sentence after those stammers.

"Good answer Fred." I said with a serious face and tried to leave that place. I couldn't be near him anymore."

"Hey don't leave. Yeah i did ignore you purposely Poppy." He said by holding hand,not letting me to get up.

"Thanks for owning up. Now please let me go." I said turning away as my tears started exploring the outside world.

"Don't cry Poppy. I can't see you this way. It really hurts. I purposely ignored you because I couldn't stand you anymore, being so close with me." He said.

"What? Couldn't stand anymore? You could've told me directly that you are losing face because of me. I wouldn't have wasted my time in caring for you, sharing stuffs with you and even see you." I said by looking straight at his face ignoring my tearfalls( like waterfalls), "So you were wearing a good friend act the whole time?"

I can't stay here even for a second, i might kill myself for liking such a guy who had been acting the whole time.

Jesus what's going on?

He had his lips land safely on mine. I felt a electric spark passing through my spine as he pulled me closer and asked for entrance, i tried pushing him away as tears rolled down too. I couldn't pull back either, this guy is so strong. Finally i let him explore by granting the entrance pass into my lips. I just squeezed his t-shirt, and he was holding my neck.

"I'm sorry Poppy. I can't do this anymore." He finally pulled himself back and walked away from me.

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