Part 9

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I hug her, trying to calm her tears.
"H-How did they k-know.." she whispered.
"I don't know Toko. I wish I did, but I don't. If we did, we should know the killer." I say, concerned. We have to get the investigation started.
"I'll protect you during this trial. I trust you." I continue. "Let's start the investigation."
Toko nods, and we go find the others.


Heading back to the red doors, and going back down the elevator again. It's only the second time, but that's two times too many.
Another trial has commenced.


They know now. Byakuya... he did that to Toko...
why? Why would he do that to her?
And why did Yasuhiro kill poor Chihiro? And Chihiro was a boy?

This class trial was full of twists and turns, and it was absolutely terrifying.

"Iiiiits punishment time!" Monokuma beams.
Yasuhiro is on a quiz show set. There are three doors in front of him; A, B and C. He walks up to door A, takes a breath, and then tries to enter. The door grows feet and escapes, leaving door B and C. He tries door B, but it flees. Only door C is left, but he doesn't go in. A mouth appears on door C, and eats him.

It's horrifying. How many times must I say it? It's horrifying. Horrifying horrifying horrifying. But no matter how many times I say it, it doesn't change the fact we just lost another friend.

During the trial, there were stages of suspicion on Toko, then Byakuya, then Mondo, and then Yasuhiro.

Taka was extremely protective of his 'bro' during his persecution.

I had to protect Toko and Jack during the trial. The message and arrangement made them the obvious suspect, but we managed to prove her innocence.
"Toko, it will all be ok." I reassure her.
"T-Thanks for l-looking out for m-me today Y/N." Toko thanks me. I smile at her, and pull her into a hug.

Sayaka. Leon. Chihiro. Yasuhiro. How many more people have to die? How long must this continue? I can't help but wonder if we will get out of here at all. And who is the 17th student? Who is behind it all? Why are we here? There are so many questions, but no answers to be found.

At least I have Toko. H-Has Toko not been bathing?
I drag Toko to her room. She looks confused, and I quickly explain.
"Toko. Have you had a shower the whole time you have been here?" I press.
"N-No.." she frowns, looking away.
"You need a bath Toko. Why won't you have one?" I ask.
"I-I hate baths." She answers. "D-Do I n-need to?"
I stare blankly at her, my face giving her a clear answer. I plop down on her bed.
"'I'll sit here until you are clean." I say smiling. "It has been 10 days."
"I-I'll go have a shower n-now Y/N." She says, but before entering her bathroom, she turns around. "D-Do you thing t-this will m-make m-master like me m-more?" She asks me.
"Yeah!" I say enthusiastically. She beams, and heads in. She shuts the door, and I hear the shower turn on. A few small whimpers come from inside, but she quickly settles down. What made her so scared of water?

Dang! This is the longest chapter so far in this! Hope you enjoyed!

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