Rivers of Tears on Christmas Eve

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Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

~1 Peter 5:7


3:00 o'clock and it's now December 24.

She felt so sleepy. She'd been waiting for the bus to come for less than three hours; but she was awake for about . . . 30 hours?!

No big deal. She joked but it did not lift her spirit. It didn't even brought a smile on her face. She's so tired her eyes were falling. Talking to herself didn't help to shoooed away the boredom she was feeling, and it was, honestly, a bad sign that she's talking to herself. When will that bus come?

She left the office at exactly 11pm and traveled to this bus terminal for more than an hour due to the heavy traffic. She even walked her way here just to have a faster travel; now she regretted that she did that. If she just knew that there is no bus waiting for her . . . aaarrggh!!

She sighed heavily sitting beside a wall. Her chin on her knees.

Her legs were getting numb, so she stands up but she's shy of this repeated action. She was sitting, her chin on her knees but she will stands for a while then go back to her original position. Where are the chairs? There were lots of people in the terminal the chairs were might all occupied.

Cold breeze blew. She was glad she had her jacket; but she's desperate to have some naps. She went where the benches were. Fortunately, she saw a spot between a man and lady soundlessly sleeping. They have their own positions to, at least, have a comfortable sleep. She took the oppurtunity and sat between them.

The cold breeze blew again. She leaned her head on her backpack which is on her lap, and tried to nap. She tried to make some rest while some of her senses open, watching for any possible bus to came. Or a thief.

How would her brother felt about the situation? He would be worried for waiting. Oh, what is she thinking? He was feeling none for sure. He's surely snoring on his bunk while she tried to rest and being alert on the same time.

They had talked last night of December 21st that he will pick her on Paradise Hotel (the nearest landmark to campsite) when she arrives there. He was worried that bad people would take advantage on her if she came during evening. However, he doesn't need to be worried this time, as she's so sure that she will came on Paradise Hotel with the dawn breaking. She can commute by herself.

The cold breeze blew again, but this time people start moving as rain started to pour. Thank God for leading me to this seat.

People started to move again for a bus came into view. I didn't dare move as it approach. I was sure that bus is going to San Jose, Bulacan and not Malolos. The announcer said earlier that the next bus would be at 5:00 am.

Awesome! That's sucks.

She was starting to be irritated.

You're just tired. Get some rest. Someone whispered on her head, but as much as how she would like to obey, she couldn't. She can't relax in this kind of situation.

Her mind had been working for 30 hours and she was worrying about her teammates for the class this December 24.

You'd prayed about it, right? She reminded herself. It's true but her human side was having a hard time to relax about the matter.

December is a critical working month for their company. A lot of students were expected to booked and manpower were required during this month. In other words, being absent would mean very bad for her career. But she had to absent. This is camp meeting we're talking about. She really want to attend even just the last day. Besides, they had a handmime performance that they practiced for months.

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