101 Am back to Barcelona y alma corrompida

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Narra Adriano:
Me encontraba ya en casa luego de haber visitado a Kenway,salí al balcón a cantar otra vez.

Blood isn't running isn't
Pumping in my heart
And now my need
For what was something it
Just something in the dark
That I can see
Is something frightening
Alive in something kind
And they were auburn
And they were auburn
And they were hazel
And they were hazel
And lovely powder
And lovely powder
But now they're sable
All because

I keep growing
Dead flowers now
And the wind is blowing
A burning gown
Around me
I keep finding
Dead flowers now
And they're all behind me
And falling down
Around me

The leaves are falling
And they're calling
Out my name
And all the birds
That were once singing
Are now screaming out in pain
That I can feel
The fruit is ripening
But it's rotten to the core
Rotten to the core
Pale rime enlightening
A skeleton made of ash and hoar

And so I
Keep growing
Dead flowers now
And they're always blooming and
Turning brown around me
I keep finding
Dead flowers now
And there's no way out
No way out
No beginning
And there's no end
They're all just dead again

Blood isn't running isn't
Pumping in my heart
And when I sing
About the flowers I'm just
Screaming in the dark
And now I feel
The wind is blowing
And they're growing
All the time
And all the leaves
Will need to fall
Bind all the flowers
Kill them all
Show me the beauty
In the air
Glow ash and ember
Gasping and reaving
Breaths of air
And let the beating hearts beware

I keep hiding
Dead flowers now
But they
Die in the thousands
A swirling cloud
And this
Life keeps snowing
Dead flowers now
And I see no way out
No way out
No escape
And that's why

I keep growing
Dead flowers now
And now there's
No way out
No way out
No escape
And now I see
Them growing
On their own*dije acabando con la canción a lo que saque mi espada y ví que un tono
oscuro la cubría y comencé a gritar de dolor *aghhhh que mierda me pasa?

Leone/Sidney/Kurome:Amor que pa...,amor estas bien?*dijeron asustadas*

Adriano:Amor......,eso es lo único que me falta*dije con los ojos llenos de maldad apretando el mango de mi senda del pesar*

Esdeath/Akame:Mierda,la oscuridad y el pesar de su alma lo corrompieron todo su poder maligno es canalizado por la espada

Adriano:Buena observación ahora mueran*dije risueño y me arroje a atacar*

A lo que Esdeath me paro con su espada pero la vencí fácilmente

Esdeath:Mierda,amor este no eres tu vuelve por favor*dijo llorando con una mano en su pecho*

A lo que yo me acerque a Ella y mis amadas me detuvieron

Akame:No la tocaras,al menos no con esa maldad que irradias*dijo preocupada desenfundando a Murasame enfrentándose a mi*

Adriano:La espada que mata de un corte Murasame,se de sus características pero contra mi es un cuchillo de caza,no podrás conmigo Akame*dije riendo arrogante*

Akame:Ah si,entonces toma esto*dijo enojada a lo que me clavo la espada*


Sidney/Leone/Esdeath/Kurome:Adrianoooooo*gritaron llorando desconsoladas*

A lo que yo caí extrañado Y pensé haciéndome el muertito

Adriano:Como dije,un cuchillo de caza*a lo que me regenere*

Payday ga kill(YoxSydneyxHarem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora