Chapter two

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Jacyendas POV

It was barely the start of class and Sam was already being a flirt. "Jacyenda, you look hot today." Sam took his hand and rubbed on my thigh. "Could you stop it Sam?" I pushed his hand off of mine and he just laughed and pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear "Your on cheer right?" The bell rang so class started and I nodded to answer Sam's question and he squeezed my thigh tightly "Cool, meet me after school I gotta talk to ya." He squeezed my thigh tighter and I put my hand that was near Mack on his thigh but a little too high up by accident. "SHIT." Mack yelled. "Mack, is there a problem?" The teacher looked at us and Mack shook his head. The teacher squinted his eyes at us and turned back to the board. "You bitch." Mack whispered.

I sunk down in my seat waiting for this class to end. I hated it so much. To my surprise the bell rang an hour later and I dashed out of the way to get to second period. I walked in hopefully to not have anyone Im not going to want to kill after class. I watched the kids walk in and Jack Johnson walked in. I can stan him he's actually sweet. It's just his group he hangs out with that makes him an ass sometimes. Hopefully no one in his group is in the class I need Johnson to be sweet to me. He came and sat next to me. I saw no one else I knew walk in and I was happy. "Hey Jacyenda." Johnson looked up at me and smiled. I looked back at him and smiled "Hello Johnson." We looked up at the teacher as the bell rang. "All right class I know your all going to hate me for this but in this class we already have a project and you get to pick partners so, get to it and I'll hand out instructions for this project." "Johnson be my partner please." I laughed and begged Johnson ans he laughed at me. "I was hoping you'd ask before any of these other people." He smiled. We received the instructions and the teacher told us this will be due by the end of the week and we have to do this on our time not during class. She told us to talk amongst ourselves quietly. I like this class so far. "Uh hey Johnson?" He looked up from his phone "yeah what's up Jacy?" I smiled cause he called me Jacy. "Um, when we work on this project can we work on it at your house? Cause my house is never really quiet...or we can-" "it's fine we can work on it at my place." He smiled. "Hey Jacy what's your number so I can text you when I'm free to do this project?" He handed me his phone and I put my number in. I grabbed my phone and texted myself off of Johnson's and once I got the message I saved his number and handed it back to Johnson "there ya go." Just as I said that the bell rang. I walked to my third period which was Drama. I honestly don't know why I was put in this class but I won't complain as much. I walked to my locker to get some stuff really quick and I started to walk to the drama room when the one and only Jack Gilinsky comes out of no where and happened to be in the same damn class.

Jack's POV

I walked to drama and I don't know who the fuck put me in this class but I hate it so much I asked if I could switch out and they said no. I was walking to class and saw a girl walk in who was so hot. I walked in and sat next to her. "Hey, wait have I seen you before?" She just looked at me with a disgusted look. I wanted her so bad. "Wait your Macks old girl huh?" "Yeahh." She said softly. "Ha well he fucked up. You're really hot." I just leaned back in my seat with my arms crossed. She started to blush. I chuckled. "What's your name babe?" I looked over to her and she turned to me "Are you talking to me?" I nodded slowly. "Oh, it's Jacyenda." "Jacyenda, that's hot." I nodded. Making her blush even more. I just chuckled. Maybe I'll stay in this class for her.

Jacyendas POV

It was finally lunch and I was begging for it to be 5th period soon so I can go to cheer and stay in cheer. I walked to my locker to get my cheer bag and switch out some of my books and I feel some slap my ass "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled turning around to see Sam smirking. He was with his crew and Jack Gilinsky looked pissed off. Wonder why. "Sorry babe, I couldn't resist." I just rolled my eyes "fuck off Sam." I slammed my locker and walked away. "See ya later babe!" He yelled. I just walked faster looking for Megan and I bumped into her and Nicole and Mariah. "Nicky! Ma!" I yelled hugging Nicole and Mariah. "Oh god Jacy I missed you so much!" Nicole squeezed me so hard. "Ok but let's go eat please?" Megan whinned. "I'm surprised you're not fat..." I poked Megan's arm. She jerked it away "Shut up." We walked to go get food and sat down at the cafeteria.

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