|7| 50 Shades Of Humiliation

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"Hey, dork."

I look up from my book, slamming it shut in the process. Holy shit, this is embarrassing.

I haven't seen Noah in a week! Our first assignment for the Top 10 Young Photographers starts in exactly 3 days and they'll be announcing the prize, which the winner will win along with the title. Imagine Juliet Merrill, first teenage winner. Well, Noah too, but let's skip that.

"If anything, you're the dork. You are the one who showed me pictures of  his collection of Lego mini figures the other day." My mind barely knows what's coming out of my mouth because its concentrating on getting my damn book in my bag so Noah can't use it against me later.

A few people who happen to be sitting in the library look at me oddly as I try to get the book in the bag without making a sound. I've been waiting for Rowan to arrive for awhile already, so when she texted me, saying that she'd be a full hour late, I started reading my book. Mistake, as people I know are judging me. Rowan should be ashamed of herself for putting me in this gooey situation, even though I was the one who asked her to help me with my French. Why, oh why did I decide to take French?

She's been the supportive one in my Rosie situation. She claims to have a ratchet sister too. So far, I've been able to ignore her and Kolton and I haven't screamed at her about having sex against my door yet. I haven't had any rage attacks that would make me want to tell mom the truth that will obviously end their relationship. The Cullen thing is only one roadblock. Row helps me to calm down a lot when I bring myself to think of it.

Noah grabs my book easily with one step. "What dorky book are you reading?" He flips the pages over to reveal the cover. I look up at him, anticipating the worst of all reactions and he didn't disappoint. He burst into laughter. "Fifty Shades of Grey? I did not take you for a booknerd and even more, not someone who enjoys dirty books!"

Heat possesses my face.

He thinks I jack off to Fifty Shades of Grey? How did he ever get the idea that I jack off to anything at all? For the record, I don't. But, Noah Wilde just accused me of it. Well, maybe not accused. More like smirked sexily and  very much amused as he said it.

I look at his face, which to my surprise, is probably as red as mine. I doubt he's ever said that to someone of female genitalia. This gives me a rocket of esteem. "Yeah, maybe you'd care read it with me sometime? We can try some of the moves together?" 

His mouth opens wide and his eyes scan a shelf of foreign books behind me. He actually think that I am serious. What a pervert. I'm biting the inside of my cheek to keep the laughter that is threatening to spill out, in. He swallow's hard, clearly not knowing what te hell to say. I can see the beads of sweat developing on his forehead. What a lovely surprise this is, seeing a guy hot enough to be on the cover of any erotic novels, being unable to talk because of me.

Okay, that sounded kind of sexual.

"I kid, perv. You look like I just asked you if you would take your pants off. Calm yourself."

Noah glares at me like no one has ever before. His eyes are stretched to be huge and his cheeks are flaming. He reaches out to me as if he was going to choke me, but his hands don't reach my neck, the land on my shoulders.

Without a second glance, he reaches under them and starts tickling me like a psycho, which I can't say he isn't. "REVENGE!"

"Excusé-moi, mais baisse ton volume, s'il vous plait." Rowan is (finally) here to save me from that freak. I can almost hug her when Noah releases me awkwardly. I look at her with a grimace. "Is it bad that I understood none of that?"

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