Chapter 1

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Cronus woke to the calming scent of Jasmine in the morning breeze. His bright mood only grew at the sight of his wife Rhea still sleeping soundly. A content smile on her sleeping face. Cronus studies his wife's beauty finding himself with the sudden urge to freeze this moment in time. After all, as the god of time was this not a possibility. 

Rhea's voice like a songbird caught his attention in time to see her long lashes softly flutter open to reveal striking violet eyes. "Morning my love". All thoughts of freezing time seemed forgotten. For now, Cronus had a distinct feeling that today would be perfect.

Realising the time Cronus asked "Are you hungry?" as he bent down to softly kiss her cheek. Rhea nodded her head enthusiastically, resulting in an affectionate chuckle. "Come" he managed between chuckles "Breakfast should be ready". Soon the couple were seated to an array of fresh seasonal fruits, ambrosia waffles and the finest honey one could find.  The room was filled with the robust aroma of freshly percolated coffee. Almost instantly, they started to discuss the day ahead. 

"Darling, I forgot to tell you. Your mother will be joining us for tea". Cronus nodded at this information, taking a sip of his coffee. "It seems that she has requested that the table be set for four". Cronus now taking a bite into a waffle raised his eyebrow "who is my mother bringing with her this time?". Hesitating, she looked up from her plate and answered, "your father". Cronus's fork clattered into his plate. The sound echoed off the walls emphasizing that this was the last thing he had expected to hear. 

It was not uncommon for his mother Gaia to visit, but it had been centuries since he had last laid eyes on his father. Uranus had been a cruel tyrant during his reign, especially towards those he loved. Painful memories flashed through Cronus's mind as he processed the fact, he was to be reunited with the man he'd much rather forget. 

Before he knew it, the dreaded hour of four o'clock was upon him. Snapping out of his trance, Cronus readied himself for the inevitable. "Is everything alright darling? You have been very quiet today".  The concern in his wife's voice reminded him that he was no alone. "I'm fine" taking a deep breath he continued". I just don't know what to expect. Father and I have not been on the best of terms for some time". Realising this eas not news to her, he quickly added, "But you knew that already". 

The soft smile that presented itself on her face was one of understanding. She has been there when Cronus forced Uranus from the throne, leaving his father broken and powerless. She had seen the resulting agony such action had placed him in". That is why I have instructed for the palace to be emptied during his visit. Only a handful of staff will be here to attend to our guests". From the look on her husband's face, she could see that this has somewhat eased his troubled mind. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek then looked into his blazing golden eyes "I will not leave your side". 

Cronus, content that the meeting with his father would now run smoothly, offered his arm to Phea. She happily accepted the gesture and gave her husband's arm a final reassuring squeeze. He responded with a small nod. They each put on their best smiles as Cronus escorted her into an elegant sitting room where his parents awaited their arrival. 


Authors Note: 

Hey guys, 

Thank you for reading my first official chapter of The Tale of Time. I hope it was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write.  I would love to hear your feedback, so feel free to leave a comment below and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter. 

Until next time, 


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