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Name: Desiree Wayne (fem! Damian)

Age: 13

Vigilante name: shadow 

Looks: she has dark olive skin and bright emerald green eyes. Her hair is black and goes down to her butt.

Weapons: Desiree likes katanas, guns and also has electric shockers on each wrist.


Name: Freya Williams

Age: 13

Vigilante name: legacy

Looks: she has pale skin and freckles, her eyes are turquoise. She has dyed blue hair that was originally dirty blonde.

Powers: speed, agility and inhanced senses.


Name: Nolan Osira 

Age: 15

Vigilante name: mimic

Looks: has lighter olive skin and greyish blue eyes. His hair is dark brown and he has a scar in his hairline.

Powers: He doesn't have any. But he uses a boa staff and sometimes guns as well.


Name: Colton Wynter

Age: 13 and 1/2

Vigilante name: summoner

Looks: he has tan skin with curly brown hair, his eyes are browny green and he has a heap of freckles.

Powers: can create weapons out of light that last 2 hours. He is the product of genetic experimentation done on him when he was a kid.


Keanu Tafuri 

Age: 15

Vigilante name: Relic 

Looks: he has green hair and lightly toned skin. There is a scar over his left eye and his eyes are also green.

Powers: he can control and manipulate earth and water. His eyes glow green when his power is in use.

The Delinquents - (female Damian Wayne)Where stories live. Discover now