coffee and songwriting

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It was 10:06 am that day, Isabel went to the living room to look up for her notebook that she used to write music in, Emily and jack were there, Emily was trying to pick a movie and jack was drawing something in his sketchbook.

Hey guys! What are you doing? - Asked Isabel

Ugh nothing actually, I'm trying to pick a movie to watch, I'm so bored – said Emily complaining

I'm trying to draw something, but I don't know what – replied Jack

Hmm, what about green bear? – said Isabel

I FOUND ONE! – said Emily exited – oh sorry!

I don't know – said jack – I don't know what I even care that much, I'm not really good at drawing

Well, I'm going to the Starbucks that is a block from here, do you guys want to come? – asked Isabel

Thank you Isabel but no, I finally have something to watch – said Emily

What about you Jack? – asked Isabel – you want to come?

Yeah sure, why not? Wait for me, I'm going to put my shoes on! – said jack while going upstairs

Oh Isabel! Can you please bring me a Vanilla latte? I'll pay you when you come home – asked Emily

Ok, ok, but pay me later! – said Isabel laughing

They laughed a bit about it complaining how they never pay each other back. A minute after jack appeared again

I'm ready! Can I bring my sketchbook – asked Jack

Yeah sure, why are you asking me? – said Isabel

Well uh um -Jack didn't know what to reply

Whatever, let's go, bye Emily! – said Isabel

BYEE, AND BRING ME MY COFFEE – said Emily while Isabel was closing the door

Jack and Isabel walked to the Starbucks, talking about random things till they got there, they ordered what they wanted, payed and went to look for a table

Ok, let's sit outside – said Isabel

Isabel and Jack talked a bit about what she could write about and the melody and stuff, then they heard their names so Isabel went to get the coffee. While she was going back outside a boy held the door for her. He was about 5'4 or something, he had dark brown, straight longish hair, hazel eyes and pale skin, he kind of looked like the younger version of Kio cyr, but most important, he was wearing a pastel purple crop top. Isabel thanked him, he smiled back and got to his sit again. Isabel did the same thing.

She leaned down a little bit

Jack, look over there, that boy seems your age and he's wearing a crop top – she whispered in jack's ear

Oh, really? – he turned around, just to make eye contact with the boy. They looked at each other, then looked away, then eye contact again. Jack let go a "wow" by accident, then he quickly turned back at Isabel and said: I mean Its purple...

Yup – she replied

He's cute, I mean he looks cute with the crop top –said jack a little nervous

Yeah, he's also coming right here – said Isabel

Wait wha- -- jack didn't finish the sentence when he felt a little tap on his shoulder

Excuse me? - The boy said

Umm yeah? – said jack

You have any problems with me? I saw you staring at me, twice – the boy asked

"Oh no, he noticed" though jack

No no! I wasn't staring at you, I mean I was, but not because I didn't like you, I do, I mean I don't "like" you, I like your crop top, I think it's cute – said Jack

Oh! - he laughed - you do? – said the boy a little surprised

Yeah, I like wearing crop tops too...- said jack

Wow! I think it's nice to see more boys around my age that don't really care about gender stereotypes, I'm Dylan by the way

Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan

I'm Jack, nice to meet you Dylan – said jack

Soo, are you from around here? – asked Dylan

Yeah actually I live a block away from here – replied jack

Oh really! Me too! – said Dylan

No way! How come this is the first time I see you here? – asked Jack

Well, I moved here with my sister Rylie a week ago – said Dylan

Oh that's cool – said jack

They talked a little bit about some things, they figured out they lived in the same neighborhood, two houses away from each other, it was like destiny

So, can I have your phone number? – asked Dylan

I don't have one, but I will soon, I can give you my Instagram if you want to – said Jack

Yeah sure, mine is "Dylan_bergeron.25" – said Dylan

Ill follow you – said jack

Ok let me check to follow you back – Dylan said, entering to jacks account

Yeah its jack underscore-

Jones Sm6? Whoa! You have a bunch of followers, how? – said Dylan

Yeah...about that, I'm in a band, we are called sm6, it's a band with all my siblings and I, it's in my bio if you want to check – explained Jack

Oh god, 200k followers! dude you guys are like famous or something – Dylan said

Jack and Dylan laughed and talked about the band, jack told him the story, how they started, how many siblings they were, who was who, he even introduced Dylan to Isabel, who was still struggling to write about something. Dylan told him that he recently moved with his grandparents, he didn't explain why, but jack didn't want to ask, they just met 30 minutes ago, that seemed a bit personal. They were looking each other in the eyes, and oh...something felt different, like a connection, like...magic, as if they knew each other since babies or something

Dylan we have to go; grandma is waiting for us – Rylie said breaking the moment

Umm, yeah sorry, I have to go, it was nice meeting you – said Dylan

Oh ok, and it was nice meeting you too –said Jack

Well, bye! I hope I can see you soon - Dylan said as he slowly walked away

Goodbye! – jack went to his table again, his eyes were still on Dylan, that was leaving the place with his older sister, then he looked back at Jack and smiled, jack smiled back and they looked away.

Oh boy I wish I was 13 again, making friends was easier when I was your age – said Isabel complaining

What are you talking about? People around my age are a lot harder to talk to, middleschoolres are a nightmare – said Jack

And how do you know that – Isabel asked

I don't know, they just are – Jack replied

Well you're a middleschooler and you are a nightmare so yeah, I agree – Isabel said

Oh shut up – Jack laughed

All I need to say is that after that day jack finally knew what to draw and Isabel knew what to write about, are we thinking the same thing?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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The boy in the purple crop top | Jack Jones sm6bandWhere stories live. Discover now