Chapter 2: Despite Risk and Ruin

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            A light cloud cover allowed Alexander to lounge openly in the park. Direct sunlight would give him a nasty sunburn, and usually when he went out during the day he kept to the shade even whilst wearing strong sun block. When Clara had suggested meeting in the park he had planned on getting there early and finding the tree with the most dense leaves to wait under, but now that the sun was blocked by clouds, he was early for no reason. It gave him some time to ponder his relationship with Clara. Was it time to tell her that he wasn’t quite as human as she?

            They had been seeing each other for a few weeks now. Alexander had called her the next day after meeting in the bar. She had been shy and self-conscious the first few times they went out, but slowly gained confidence when she realized he was really serious about liking her. Alexander had tried to be as honest as he could when answering her questions. How old was he? Twenty-eight. Where was he from? New Hampshire. What about his family? All dead. Where did he live? Here, Alexander had stretched the truth a bit more. He couldn’t show her his house just yet, so he had shrugged and said he had a roommate who was unbearably messy. He didn’t want to lie to her, so he wanted to explain that he was a vampire as soon as he thought Clara wouldn’t run away screaming.

            Clara spotted Alexander sitting on a bench. She was breathing hard from jogging half the way from her house. She had spent too much time getting ready again – even though she was much more comfortable with Alexander now than a few weeks previous, she still worried about how he saw her appearance. Clara still couldn’t believe that a man like Alexander was interested in her. She was a relatively plain person, just out of high school. Her grades weren’t spectacular, so she couldn’t get a scholarship to go to college and instead was enrolling in community college. She had had one or two boyfriends in high school, but not very serious. She wasn’t very popular, but she had plenty of friends. Clara was the sweet, shy, helpful girl that everyone liked but no one paid too much attention to. And then this handsome stranger, ten years her senior, expressed an intense interest in her. Clara didn’t feel good enough for him.

            But she was so infatuated with him that her doubt wasn’t enough to stop her from seeing Alexander. Seeing him waiting for her in the park made her heart speed up. Clara suspected she was in love with him, but she shoved the idea away. He could never love me, and when he walks away, I won’t be heartbroken, she told herself. It was a lie, but one she had to believe for the time being.

            Clara forced herself not to run over to him, and instead walk calmly, even though her heart had started pounding as soon as she saw him. It was ridiculous how much he affected her, she thought as she drew closer until she was within earshot of the bench. “Hey,” she said with a smile.

            Alexander loved her smile. It was so utterly guileless, in a way he couldn’t remember ever seeing before in all his five hundred odd years. “Hello there, lovely.”

            Clara flushed. “Have you been waiting long?”

            “No, just a few minutes. Sit down.” Alexander didn’t put his arm around her exactly, but he kept his arm resting along the back of the bench so he could reach her and play with her hair absently. They chatted easily for a while. For whatever reason, conversation between them had always been easy, even when they’re insides were both a flutter at being so close to each other.

            Clara fiddled with the bottom of her shirt. “My mom has been asking me about you. Well, not about you exactly, but who I’m spending so much time seeing recently.”

            “And did you tell her about me?” Alexander asked gently.

             “Well, kind of. I’m – I’m a little nervous.”

              Alexander frowned slightly. “Why?”

            “I’ve always introduced my boyfriends to my parents. Not – you know, not that I’m saying you’re my boyfriend –“ she said panicked.

             He smiled at her panic. “It’s true, I haven’t asked you yet, but I’d like to be your boyfriend.”

            The air left Clara’s lungs. He had asked her to be his girlfriend! This incredible man wanted to be with her! Kind, funny, handsome, and he wanted her! Clara couldn’t find the breath to form words, she just sat there agape in spite of herself. Alexander chuckled a little nervously himself. “Not that you have to if you don’t want to, of course.”

            “Of course I want to, Alex,” Clara breathed.

            Alexander grinned happily. “So I suppose I should meet your parents then.”

            Clara looked nervous again. “I’m not sure how they’ll feel about me dating someone ten years older than I am though.”

             “Hmm.” Alexander thought quickly. “We’ll think about it, okay? We’ll come up with something, I promise.”

            Alexander leaned towards her ever so slightly, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. Clara began to close her eyes, but whatever the moment could have been, it was interrupted by a hearty, “Alex, my man!” in an Irish accent.

           Alexander closed his eyes in frustration. Not now. He recognized that voice. God help its owner. “What are you doing here, Eamon?”

            A handsome blonde man popped into Clara’s field of vision. “Just thought I’d come by and say hello.”

            “Didn’t know you were back in town.”

              “Well, here I am. And who is this?” Eamon turned toward Clara with a grin.

          Alexander looked reluctant to introduce her to his friend. So Clara stuck out her hand suddenly, saying “I’m Clara.”

            “Eamon,” he answered, shaking her hand. He glanced at Alexander and then back at the girl. “You’re the new one?”

            Clara quickly glanced at Alex with a frown.

           He glared at Eamon. “Great to see you again, Eamon. Why don’t you go reunite with Emmy before I come home?”

           He just chuckled. “How long are you planning on being out for, several days?” Alexander rolled his eyes in response, but said nothing, so Eamon turned to Clara once more. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing one another, Clara. Lovely to meet you.” He strolled off, the picture of relaxation.

                Alexander muttered to himself angrily.

               “Who was that?” Clara asked.

               “A pest.”

              “Not a friend?”

             Alexander sighed. “Yes, he’s a friend. But more like the friend of a friend.”

             “Who’s Emmy?”

              Alexander stiffened. “It doesn’t matter.”

              Clara frowned, her displeasure with his answer obvious.

            He struggled to not snap out at her and finally composed himself and offered her a warm smile. “It’s really not important, Clara. Trust me. I’ll tell you when it becomes important, but for now let’s just enjoy our time together.”


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