--(Chapter 4:"My recovery: Part one")--

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Warning: Blood and gore ahead!

As I've woken up from my nap I heard beeping and the sounds of doors and wheels, I noticed that I'm at the hospital with almost half of my body cemented and bandaged

"Thank god you're alright. I was so worried about you, you've been in a deep sleep for 3 months" My mother said while sitting beside me

Then somebody approached while wearing a vanilla-white coat "It's a miracle this boy survived 8 feet of fall damage. You've received a dislocated arm and some scratches and bruises but worst thing of all..." The doctor said nervously as he was afraid to say something

"What is it doc?" I asked

He said that my left eye was completely torn off and I was lucky I didn't bleed to death

"So I'm going to wear an eyepatch from now on?" I replied sarcasticly

"Well, there's 2 choices..." said the nurse

"Wait nurse, is the prototype ready for public use?" Added the doctor

"Yes sir, the engineers said it's safe, they even added some additional features" repied the nurse

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What were they talking about? Prototype... additional features.... 2 choices?! What the heck!

The doctor sighed and told my mom to speak to him privately I ignored it and doze off in my hospital bed


"Ma'am we'd like to tell you something.. recently, we've been working on a technology" said the doctor

"If we are talking about my son, it it able to help him?" My mother answered

"Umm, it's a yes... we didn't test it yet but, can we test it on your son?" Added the doctor while grabbing a metal box from a shelf and showing it to my mom

My mother took a peek and thought for a minute...

"Ok, I'm doing this because I love my son" said my mother "just don't hurt him"


They returned to my room as I woke up

"Mr. Leo we are going to the ICU to perform a surgery on you, don't worry" said the nurse

"Don't worry son" said my mom

They moved me into the operating room and gave me some medicines before the surgery to lessen the pain

"Oh notch" I said in my head

"This won't hurt a bit, don't worry" said the doctor while preparing the tools

At a split second I saw my mom peeking throught the window before getting blocked...

--(I didn't include what happened after that it's too gross)--


After the surgery, half of my face was bandaged especially on the left eye, I felt there was something inside of it... I know that they implanted something there... next thing I know I'm on a wheelchair

"Doc?, how much does it cost?" My mom asked

"You don't need to pay for it, you just need to pay for the injuries" the doctor replied

After mom payed for the hospital fees we headed home, but while we're walking towards the van I remembered something...

"Mom, where's the gauntlet?" I said while looking back at her

"Oh don't worry it's at the van" she replied

"Did the school principal know that I was injured?" I asked again

"Yeah he said that you've been excemted. Bad news is you have to take summer class" replied my mom

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