[2] the sorting

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<Emma p.o.v.>
We walk into the great hall, it's so beautiful. I readed about it but its still cool to see it in real life. Professor McGonnagall takes out an list and says the names of the students

"Jane snarkings" She says. Jane walks to the hat and puts it on. It takes some time but then. "HUFFLEPUFF" the hat screams.
"Severus Snape" he walks to the hat
"SLYTHERIN" he walks to the slytherin table
"Sirius black" McGonnagall says. "That's one of James friends." I wisper to Lilly
It takes some time but then: "GRYFFINDOR" the hat screams.
He walks to the gryffindor table
"Emma Potter" oh shit it's my turn
McGonagall put the hat on
"So, a Potter, good leader that's for sure, brave is also a good thing, kind are you too, smart mind the potter always had, I know what to do with you." The hat whispers. "GRYFFINDOR" the hat screams.
McGonnagall takes the hat and I walk to the gryffindor table.
"James Potter" McGonnagall says
He didn't had the hat on for 3 seconds or he screams "GRYFFINDOR" James walks to me and sites next to me
"Lilly evans"
After 2 minutes the hat stil doesn't know it, but then. "GRYFFINDOR"
Lilly walks to me. "Why did it take so long?" I ask. "The hat couldn't choose between slytherin or gryffindor" she awnsers. "Oh okey" I say
There where more people sorted. Remus lupin came in gryffindor to.

Wow, the gryffindor dorm is so beautiful. I get an room with Lilly and 3 other really nice grils: Olivia, Mary and Marline. They are my friends already!

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