6. moves and magic

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Olivia PoV

After meeting my parents At Kings cross to drop my brother off with them after they got a train from the airport, then i walked to get on a tube home. i honestly wish he was staying with me for longer because now he is more of a young adult he is a lot more fun to be around and we get on so well.

The tube was completely empty which i was never used to, it was nice. i went for the carriage that looks completely empty. i walk on and see one another person sitting on the opposite side, i didn't think anything of it until i realized who it was. it was Ethan. 

just when i thought there were no more places for me to bump into Ethan again i see him in a random place. he was just looking at his phone and didn't notice me. then he looked up and that magnetic feeling was there all over again.

''oh, hey'' Ethan greets me in a shocked tone. i am almost not phased by it by now after i see him everywhere.

''hello again'' i reply quietly. i hate that i said that, i should have been more inviting.

we both sat in awkward silence, the only sounds we could hear were the sounds of the tracks and then the voice of the announcer

''well, this is my stop'' i tell Ethan as i stand up and walk over to wait by the door for it to open 

''yeah, okay. bye'' Ethan replies

''bye Ethan''

Ethan PoV

this is it. i have to make a move or i will just hate myself forever

''Olivia- wait'' i get up off my seat and shout to her as Olivia walks up to the door. i don't know what to say or how to say it but i have to make a move 

''what is it?'' she says as she turns to look at me

''i am just going to come out and say it because i have been bottling it. i like you, and i can't seem to get away. so, would you maybe like to have dinner, i'll meet you outside mine at 6'' i finish talking as the door opens

''yeah, i would love that'' she replies, then we smile at each other before she turns away.

as i went to sit down again, Olivia turned around and walked straight up to me and planted a kiss on my lips. i kissed her back instantly and put my hands up to her face.

''you'll miss your stop'' i tell her as i pull away for a second

''i don't care, just kiss me'' she replies and we hear the door shut in the background as i pull back in

Olivia PoV

i almost can't believe it. i am standing here kissing him. even in the dark of the underground, it honestly feels slightly magical. like a spark of magic brought us together.

its like we were just meant to be. it was all written in the stars for us.

every crappy relationship i have had and all the bad luck with love was all just a learning point. and it was all just preparing me for being with Ethan. i just hope it actually works out for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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