Chapter five

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Dianna's pov

"No your not going, you have to stay okay"


"I don't know just stay?".
Just stay, just stay. Those words kept on ringing in my head and what did he mean?,  why does he want me to stay?. Just then a knock interrupted my throught.
"Dianna come on i need to talk to you, i know you're in there come out we need to talk." I heard his husky voice from the other side of the door.
*what the hell do i do* i throught walking towards the door and opening it
"What do you want" i asked in a sour tone.

"I just want to talk, we just met and i said some out of the ordinary things and I'm sorry" he said

"Sorry for what??" I asked

"Sorry for asking you to stay when you made up your mind not to ...and I'm sorry"

"For what??" I asked confused
"For this".before i could say any thing his lips came crashing down a soft but slow kiss then he beat my lower lip which made me moan and giving him a chance to dipin the kiss, i don't know how long we kissed till i felt his hand travel down my bum then i quickly pulled away and without thinking i slaped him " fuck!!, what was that for, i throught you were enjoying it" he shouted shock written all over his face

"And what was that for why did you kiss me??" I shriked still trying to catch my breath

"i don't know?, i throught that what we were doing, damn!, woman you can hit hard" he said touching his face.

"O my god!!, I'm sorry i didn't mean it, i was just shocked, it your fault anyway you kissed me" i said now angry

"But you liked it" he asked with an annoying smirk on his handsome face

"What No!! I mean yes, what No!? Aggrh i hate you" i said my face was buring up I'm sure i looked like a tomatoe.

"Yeah you do, well thinks for the slap needed it, i need to go back to the boring party, see you later wifey" he said but before i could ask him what the hell he Wifey by wife he was gone.

Wifey, wifey, wifey, was all i could hear in head and what the hell did he mean by that i thought, as me and my parents where in the dining room.
"So dianna i heard you were going to califonia for college" my dad said but how did he know?, no one knew i wanted to go to califonia for college it was a last minutes decision that only one person knew"Liam Parker" the name made me blush but how do my parents know.

"Yeah, ...but who told you" i said acting confused,  i knew who told them but what relationship do they have with liam that panty snatcher according to ari, how dear he kiss me thinking abour the kiss and blushing.

"You did honey" mom said now i knew they were lying but why?, that was the big question.

"But, i never told you guys it was a last minute decision and besides I'm not sure"

"O thank God" dad sighed

"What?!, what do you mean by thank god?!, ok that it,  what is going on, i mean you are acting really weird, first i noticed did not say anything about the gown i wore to liam's welcome back party which was really weird because you said something about my graduation gown which was better than the gown i wore to the party, then liam's acting all werid too asking me not to live newyork then he kisses me!!" Ohoh tell me i didn't say that out loud.

"What?!!!" Both my parents shouted.

"He kissed you?!!"

"That bastard, I'm going to kill him, we agreed not till she's okay with it" dad shouted.

"What okay with what?!, that it, I- NEED- AN- EXPLANTION" i said feelling really pist off

"Ah, honey we promised your hand in marriage to liam and his parents"

"Whatttttttt!!!?" I shriked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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