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BRIGHT crimson flames twisted and twirled their way through the white-hot logs, emitting a pungent burning smell that filled the room instantly. It seeped its way up Cordelia's nostrils, tormenting her, daring her to move in order to displace her discomfort, but she didn't dare. Sat motionless at the table she stared deep into the fireplace, attempting to keep her mind closed by focussing on the whirling licks of fire that were being released from beneath the mantlepiece.

A shift in weight beside her drew her attention, and she looked to see Narcissa Malfoy's leg shaking uncontrollably. As cautiously as she could, Cordelia reached her hand out towards the woman and placed it upon her thigh, applying just enough pressure to make the movement stop. For the briefest of moments the pair locked eyes, and the Malfoy woman could see that the girl was just as afraid as she was.

"Yaxley," drawled a cold voice. Cordelia's throat became dry and constricted, and she felt as if her heart had dropped to her stomach. Straightening her posture, she turned to face the man with a calm demeanour, and swallowed thickly.

"Yes, my Lord?" She replied, and she felt the weight of twenty pairs of eyes burning down on her.

"I require a word with you in my study." His eyes stayed on hers for what seemed like a lifetime, before his gaze was drawn to the other side of the table, where a pale blonde boy was sat opposite her. "And you, Draco." Draco's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly regained his composure and nodded curtly.

The Dark Lord stood abruptly from his seat at the head of the table, with Cordelia and Draco quickly following. As she left the room she caught her father's eye, who gave her a halfhearted smile before she was hastily pulled from the threshold by Draco, who had grabbed her wrist tightly. Cordelia looked at him with confusion, but the boy merely gestured down the hallway where their master had begun walking at a fast pace. The pair ambled forwards after him, attempting to make as little noise as possible in their efforts to catch up.

Eventually reaching the study, Draco allowed Cordelia to enter first, and the girl strode into the room with confidence and certainty. The Malfoy boy, on the other hand, trailed in sheepishly behind her, and stood with his head bowed slightly, waiting to be addressed.

The Dark Lord turned to face them, his long black robes billowing out like smoke. His white skin shone with the reflection of the moonlight, making him appear more of a phantom than a man, and his red, slitted eyes surveyed the two children standing in front of him. It was a while before he spoke, and Cordelia knew he was seeing how long they would last before they crumbled in his presence; but she was not one to crumble.

"I suppose you are wondering why I have summoned you both tonight," he said slowly, his pasty hands gripping the handle of his wand. He seemed to be waiting for a response, but neither of them dared to open their mouths. "As you well know, both of your families have had their fair share of ... humiliation this past year. It will come to no surprise that these events have disappointed me beyond comparison."

Voldemort's words cut through her like knives, tearing through her reason for living; to please.

"You," he breathed, pointing at her with his wand. Cordelia felt her entire body weaken, her legs turning to jelly. Her breathing quickened as sweat began to coat the palms of her hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Draco's head snap towards her, his eyes wide. "Your filthy, Muggle-loving brother brought shame upon your entire bloodline, reducing you to no better than perfidious blood traitors. And yet still you would defend him to your peers, claiming he was under the influence of the Imperius Curse." His hollow laugh echoed violently around the room, his snake-like features twisting into a malicious smile; he knew this was the easiest way to break her.

"Pathetic," he spat, making Cordelia lower her head so he wouldn't see the tears building in her eyes. His attention turned to Draco, who was practically trembling with fear beside her. "And who could forget Mr Malfoy over here? Whose father destroyed the very thing I needed most, whose father let Harry Potter and his friends slip through his fingers once again." He was now so close to Draco that their faces were inches apart, and Cordelia watched with a strong sense of pity for the boy. "Perhaps I should return Lucius' favour, hmm? Perhaps I should destroy the thing he needs most; his precious little boy."

The Yaxley girl had never seen the Dark Lord so angry, and yet so calm. It was truly terrifying; the way that he never raised his voice above a low whisper but could convey such rage and acrimony with his words.

"Despite the fact that certain members of both of your families have proven themselves to be utterly useless, I am willing to grant each of you forgiveness if you do as I ask." Cordelia raised her head in surprise, sharing a fleeting, confused glance with the boy at her side. "Your performance in this task will prove to be an integral part of my decision regarding your family's survival. I only ask for one thing; you are to kill Albus Dumbledore."

"What?" Cordelia blurted before she could stop herself. The Dark Lord's eyes instantly snapped to hers, and she could feel herself becoming smaller under his gaze. "My - my Lord, forgive me, but ... Dumbledore?"

Her master's face split into an evil smirk. "I expected more enthusiasm from you Cordelia. As your father would have it, I hear you are practically begging to become a Death Eater."

"Of course, my Lord, I - I'm eager to join but -"

"Well then it's settled," he said, beckoning her towards him with a long, white finger. Taking a tentative step forwards, she noticed that Draco had become notably paler. "Your sleeve," the Dark Lord hissed.

Cordelia pushed up the arm of her black blouse, leaving her pale forearm exposed. Voldemort grabbed her wrist and turned it forcibly towards him, digging his long nails into her skin, almost drawing blood. He observed her closely, waiting for her to show any signs of weakness but none came. Drawing his wand from beneath his robes, he lifted Cordelia's chin slightly so that their eyes were locked onto each other. Terrified, she couldn't make herself look away until an agonising burning sensation crept its way up her arm, forcing her to look down; thick, black ink was pouring out of the end of his wand, staining her forearm in the shape of a skull. She cried out in pain as tears began streaming down her face, but the Dark Lord merely laughed. Her legs gave in and she fell to the floor as he let go of her, her arms falling limply to her side.

Laying on the cold, hard floor, she witnessed what she had just experienced happen to Draco, and she felt a pit at the bottom of her stomach as she watched him writhe in pain whilst in Voldemort's grip. Eventually, he too fell to the floor, his pointed face tinted with bitter tears. The Dark Lord had disappeared, and it was just the two of them, alone.

Although her and Draco had never been particularly close, they had been friends since before either of them could remember. It was only now, as they were both left trembling in fear with tears streaming down their faces, that they realised how much they were going to need each other.


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