17. Son of Color Will Be a Trustee

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Adele and Danielle ditched the heels which made Drew's fashionista Aphrodite heart hurt a bit, but it was for the best. If they hadn't, everything would have taken ten times more long and would have involved a lot more blisters.

She led them over to Sybil and Clarisse who were chilling out against a tree. "Marcel, Adele, Danielle, this is Clarisse and Sybil. Clarisse and Sybil, this is Marcel, Adele, and Danielle," Drew introduced everyone, pointing at each person when they said their names.

"Uh, you can just call me Dani," Danielle said, smiling softly.

"Hi, Dani," Sybil said, smiling. Dani's smile widened and she waved slightly at Sybil.

"So Drew told us that we are a part of a prophecy," Marcel said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"That is correct," Sybil nodded.

"I literally can't believe it! I'm actually a part of a prophecy!" Adele said, grinning and bouncing up and down the best she could in a tight dress. She was also fidgeting with her fingers a lot. Well she's ADHD, Drew thought to herself. Adele honestly really gave off Leo Valdez vibes to her. She seemed very hyperactive and cheerful, and probably had a sense of humor too.

Drew looked at Clarisse. She wore a small smile on her face, not that big, and though it may not have shown, she could tell by the sparkle and happiness in her eyes that she was very happy.

Drew guessed that seeing campers like Sybil and the triplets find out that they actually have a true purpose (though everyone does) here at camp really made her happy. Almost like a motherly kind of feeling, even though Clarisse didn't seem like that type and was only 18.

"Yeah, it's pretty sweet, huh?" Clarisse said. Adele nodded vigorously. Marcel and Dani chuckled lightly at their sister, but they seemed used to it.

"So who do we save next?" Dani piped in.

"Well it's probably around 7:00 o'clock now, so I'm guessing people are really starting to wake up, so it doesn't matter. Let's just go with the next person in the prophecy, 'son of color,' a son of Iris," Sybil said.

"Sounds like a plan," Dani smiled, causing Sybil to smile back.

The group of six began to make their way towards the Iris cabin, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible when half of your group is looking like they're ready for a fancy gala or prom while one of them is wearing a bright rainbow colored bathrobe.

Finally, they reached the Iris cabin. "Go ahead, Drew," Sybil said, gesturing to the door.

"Go Drew!" Adele said happily, throwing her hands in the air. Drew managed a smile at Adele's happiness, walking up to the door and knocking three times.

She heard some annoyed groans from the inside which wasn't very welcoming, but a few seconds later, the door swung open. "What do you want?" A boy snapped.

Instead of answering, Drew quickly examined the boy. He seemed kind of young, maybe 13 or 14. He had shaggy blonde hair that fell in his eyes, the tips of it dyed a bright red. She guessed it was semi-permanent or hard to get out, because the brightness didn't really match the 'dark' boy he was supposed to become.

Along with that, he wore black pajamas with the sleeves sloppily cut off. To finish it all off, he wore black guyliner (eyeliner for boys) over his emerald green eyes, but why would he apply eyeliner when he was still in his pajamas?

So maybe it was natural and not makeup, just a part of his skin. One of her guy friends from back home had natural eyeliner. It was basically just a natural black outline around your eyes.

"Uh, hello? Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to answer my question?" He snapped.

Drew pursed her lips at the boy's rudeness, but she had a history of being rude, so she decided to ignore it. "Yeah, I'm going to skip the small talk and just tell you to come with me, Drew said.

"Excuse me?" He snorted. "Why would I do that? Why should I do that?"

"Because the entire camp's lives depend on it," Drew said flatly, deciding to just be blunt about it.

"Um, what?" He laughed nervously.

Drew sighed, her nerves reaching their limits. "Come with me," She snapped, using her charmspeak. She really needed to work on the whole not charming people thing.

She walked away a couple feet and the boy followed behind. "Um, first of all, what's your name?" Drew said.

"Chandler Brite," He said in a monotone voice.

"Okay, Chandler," Drew said. Using her powers, she pulled Chandler out of Piper's spell. He then did the same thing Rachel, Sybil, Marcel, Adele, and Dani did when they snapped out of the charm.

"Whoa," He said rubbing his head.

Drew was honestly very curious on why this was going so well. Usually demigod's missions don't go this easily. Where in the twelve Olympians name was Piper?

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