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Izuku took a sharp breath in and stretched his arms above his head. It was move in day for the dorms and he had been in the car for what seemed like days. The omega took a breath in of satisfaction, he had done it, he made it to the college of his dreams! All those years of meticulous note keeping and research had paid off in the best way! Izuku tried not to grimace at the thought of all the old notebooks he had to put away as he packed for moving. Inko had forced him to check through boxes, twice, to make sure the greenette had pick everything he wanted or needed. Sighing again before picking up a box from the back of the car, simply labeled; CLOTHES.

"I will only be two hours away, mom." Izuku said, laughing softly as his mother started to anxiously fix his hair. "I know but still honey, I still worry." Inko said. "You're all grown up now.." she trailed off, her voice watery as her eyes filled with tears.

Izuku sent a soft look her way and huffed, leaning over to kiss his mom on her forehead, "I'll be okay, and I will visit often, you won't even get the chance to miss me." He smiled, the aura around him shining brighter and warmer than the sun. As he and his mother made their way to his dorm room Izuku started to wonder deep into thought. This may not seem like a very big deal, but to him it was. It was the start of something new and fresh. Izuku didn't have much luck when it came to making friends, living in a heavy werewolf territory as a human omega. He mostly kept to himself, filling up notebook after notebook of facts and analytics. Friends were few and far between, in fact, the last true "friend" Izuku had was a blonde, Pomeranian-like, pure werewolf Alpha named Katsuki, whom he had nicknamed "Kachaan". Their friendship, however, didn't end well and Izuku rather not think about that right now. He planned to change things this year, he is older and no longer in his small town.

As he reached the dorm building he took a deep breath in through his nose, as a human his sense of smell wasn't as strong as a pure werewolf's was, but he could still smell scents. There were a LOT of them. Alphas, Betas, Omegas, Pure werewolves, humans, even...pets? It was so much and overwhelming for Izuku. Inko took a look at her son, noticing his nervous change. "Yeah..." Izuku said, big green eyes looking around, "There are just a lot of people here.." he laughed it off and kept walking.

"114" Izuku muttered to himself as he reached his room's door. He sat his box down and turned the nub on the door, humming in relief as he was the first one there, after specifically marking he was an omega on his dorm file, in case they tried to place him with a roommate. He held the door as his mom walked through the door frame, looking at Izuku to pick a side and get to work.

Katsuki had been waiting for this day. There wasn't anything particularly special about this day, but it was a plus he'll be two full hours away from his mother, or "Old Hag" as he would say. Not that she was bad, it was just their relationship. The blonde alpha gave a chuckle at his reflection in the mirror of his new dorm, as a pure werewolf alpha, the campus had given him a nice and big room, to himself. There was nothing special about this specific college either, he picked the same place his friends, or well, pack, had decided to go. Katsuki grabbed for his phone on the table beside his bed, checking through the many texts in his pack group chat; Mina, Kirishima, Sero, Jiro, Denki. Over 100 messages in just the hour it took him to get set up and showered. Growling in annoyance, he called the red head, Kirishima.

"Hey BakuBro!" The redhead greeted from the other side of the device. "Hey, Shitty hair. I just got set up in my dorm room, what are you doing?" Katsuki asked, already getting himself dressed. "Not much, just walking around campus to get a feel of things-" The redhead chuckled, "Why?"

" 'm bored. Meet me in front of the A dorms." and with that, Katuski hung the phone up. Throwing on some jeans and a red tank top, then grabbing his wallet, keys, and throwing a golden chain around his neck, he opened the door and stepped out.

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