Ch. 1 Encountering Nepgear, Again

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(Quick note: The 4 main goddesses will be able to use their next forms, so you know.)

It's a bright sunny morning in Planeptune. The large city is teaming with busy people. Some people are going to work or chatting with their friends. But there is one person who all by himself and is avoiding the thriving city. This boy is you, Y/N L/N, aka Nega Sonic. For years on end people have been terrified of you when you first showed your powers. Even your family abandoned you. They threw you into the Virtual Forest which borders the city. Ever since then, you've lived in that forest and tried to avoid people. Not to mention the 4 goddesses have heard of you and what you could be capable of, so they've been making sure you don't entire their cities, or otherwise they'll try to kill you. So you can only go uncover to enter the city. Anyways, you live in a large cave that has been abandoned for years. You call it your man cave, and have everything in it, even wifi, technology, fridge, furniture, and other important household items. Right now you are sleeping in your hammock while snoring loudly. Eventually the sun's rays enters into your cave and shines into your eyes. This causes you to slowly stir and sit up while rubbing your eyes.

Y/N (yawns): Damn, it's morning already?

You slowly get up off the hammock and stretch.

Y/N: Well, today is monster slaying Saturday, so I'm happy.

You walk over to the fridge and open it....only to find a granola bar sitting on the top shelf.

Y/N: Sheesh. I also need to buy some more food.

You take the granola bar and close the fridge. You then go over to the bathroom area and brush your teeth and hair. Finally you grab your Black jean jacket and a hoodie and put them on while putting your hoodie over your face so that nobody can recognize you. You open your granola bar and take a bite.

Y/N: Alright, let's do this.

You put on your light speed shoes (which, by the way, are the shoes that Sonic wore from the Sonic Adventure Series), and dash off out of your man cave at high speeds and maneuver in between trees while heading towards the city of Planeptune.

(Time skip)

You made it to Planeptune, and slow down to a walk once you enter the city. After walking several blocks, you made to the guild. You enter the guild, choose 3 different quests. Two of the quests are to slay small dragons, and the final one is just to slay some giant dogoos. Once you register the quests, you then walk out of the guild and towards the open fields on the other side of the city. Tou are now in the fields. You hold you anti excalibur as you look around.

Y/N: Let's start with the giant dogoo quest. That will be a little warm up.

You smirk as you dash off into the field to look for giant dogoos.

(Time skip)

Two giant dogoos are jumping around together. They are minding their business and enjoying the sunny weather, until a dark figure slashes through them at high speeds. This figure is you. After slashing the 2 giant dogoos once, you turn around and put out your dark rifle. You fire 10 rounds, 5 rounds each hit the 2 giant dogoos. The dogoos fall over after being shot and disappear into particles. You smirk in victory.

Y/N (smirks): Alright! Two down, 3 more to go.

You turn around and dash off again to find the last 3 giant dogoos.

(Time skip)

You have been running around the fields for 2 minutes. You see small dogoos, but not any big ones.

Y/N (thoughts): This will take ages won't i-

You get snapped out your thoughts when you hear a girl scream. Immediately you switch direction and dash off towards the screams. You make it to where the scream are coming, only to see Nepgear bending swarmed by an army of dogoos, as they cover the CPU Candidate of Planeptune in icky blue slime.

Nega Sonic Male Reader x Neptune and Nepgear Where stories live. Discover now