Ch. 2 Nega Sonic vs Purple Heart Pt 1

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Purple Heart (shocked): Y-you're Nega Sonic....

Y/N (thoughts): Well shit. I'm in big trouble.

Purple Heart glares at you and swings her sword quickly at you. Fortunately, you are prepared for that attack, and jump a few meters away from Purple Heart to dodge her sword.

Y/N: That was close.

Purple Heart gets in a fighting stance will tightly gripping her sword. She looks at you angrily.

Purple Heart (angry): You'll pay for causing so much trouble to my nation!

Y/N (sighs): How many times to I have to tell people that I'm not a bad guy? Everyone just judges me because of my powers and no one takes the time to actually understand me.

Purple Heart (angry): Enough with the lies! I've heard so many reports of you terrorizing the citizens the Planeptune, and not to mention the other 3 nations also have reports of you as well, so no matter what you say it won't help or save you!

Y/N: You're just like everyone else. No one tries to at least listen to my words.

Purple Heart (angry): It doesn't matter. I'll kill you so that you won't cause anymore problems for my and the other nations.

Y/N: Can we just try to talk ab-

Purple Heart cuts you off by dashing towards you at high speeds. She swings her sword at you, but you block her sword with your arms.

Y/N (sighs): Why did I even try to ask? I guess a have to fight. Let's just get this over with.

Purple Heart: The feelings neutral.

You make the 1st move by sweep kicking Purple Heart's feet. She falls over from your attack, but you follow up with an uppercut punch to Purple Heart's jaw. The purple-haired goddess is sent flying up into the air. You jump up into the air after her and swing your fist back to deliver another punch, but Purple Heart catches herself in midair and charges at you. She swings her sword at you again and you block it, but you don't expect Purple Heart to punch you hard in the face and then follow up with a roundhouse kick to the side of your gut. You are sent flying towards the ground, but you catch yourself and land perfectly on the ground. You look up and see Purple Heart flying towards you while raising her sword up to stab you. Once the purple-haired goddess is close to you, you quickly jump back a few meters and dodge Purple Heart's stab. She ends up stabbing the ground instead of you. You look at Purple Heart while she pulls her sword out of the ground and glares back at you.

Y/N (smirks): I'll admit, you can put up a decent fight.

Purple Heart: I should say the same thing to you, but don't think that compliments will get you out of this situation.

Y/N (thoughts): Shit! Oh well, it was a nice try.

Purple Heart raises her sword and swings it down, which releases a barrage of purple energy slashes at you. You jump out of the way, but Purple Heart dashes behind you and elbows you in the back. You fly several meters before you crash into the ground. You quickly get up and see Purple Heart dashing at you again, but this time, you're prepared. As Purple Heart closes in on you, you raise your hand in the air snap your fingers.

Y/N: Chaos Control!

Immediately time comes to a stand still and all the colors around you become inverted. Purple Heart is frozen in time, only a couple inches away from striking you. You smirk as you get in a fighting stance.

Y/N (smirks): My turn.

You speed blitz through the frozen Purple Heart, then end the blitzing attack with a strong punch to Purple Heart's gut.

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