Laser Tag

875 14 2

Otp Prompt: Person A and B go laser tagging and person A pushes person B into a corner, kisses them and shoots them before walking away.

Merlin heard the car horn honk as he pulled on his blue coat and red scarf. "Bye mum!" He said as he gave Hunith a kiss on the check before hurrying out to the door. The snow crunched under foot as he trudged out to Arthur's car.

"What took you so long?" Arthur asked as a form of greeting.

"I had to get my coat on you prat." Merlin responded before sitting down and pulling on his seat belt. "Now hurry up, we don't want to be late."

"Alright, I'm going..." Athur said "No need to be such a dollophead."

"Cabbgehead." Merlin said simply.




"Merlin, Arthur!" Gwen called as they entered the arcade. Grinning they both walked over to where Gwen, Lancelot, and Gwaine were sitting. 

"It's so good to see you two." Gwen said as she pulled Merlin into a hug.

"It's great to see you to Gwen,"  Merlin said with a grin. "How are you and Lance doing?"

"Oh, we're doing great! Lance is actually coming to my parents house to stay for Christmas this year!" Gwen said happily.

"That's great!" Merlin said with a warm smile. 

"Hello Merlin!" Lance said shaking Merlin's hand and smiling warmly. "Yes, it's going to be a wonderful Christmas. Maybe you and Arthur stop by, it would be great to see you."

"Oh, yes! You and Arthur should definitely stop by!" Gwen added. I'm sure my parents would love to see you both."

"I would love to Gwen, maybe my mum can come to, she makes a great roast ham." Merlin said happily.

After another 5 minutes of discussing holiday plans Merlin  remembered to ask: "What time does our game start?"

"Group 5 please come to the front desk to pick teams and select your guns!" An employee said over the loudspeaker.

"Well, I guess that answers your question Merlin." Arthur said with chuckle as the group headed over to the arena.

After going through the usual safety lecture everyone was put on teams. Lance, Arthur, and Gwen ended up in the red team and Merlin and Gwaine were put on the green team.

"Better watch your back princess." Gwaine said to Athur with a smirk before putting on his vest.

Arthur opened his mouth to respond before:

"Please make your way into the arena and remember not to run, jump, or climb." An automated voice said, cutting off an smart remark Arthur planned to say.

"You should watch your back too Merlin..." Arthur said with a smirk and a strange glint in his eye.

Merlin barely had any time to think about Arthur's comment or the strange look before he had to run into the arena. 

He followed Gwaine for the first half of the game before they had to split up.

"I think I see princess down there," Gwaine said "I'll go this way you cut him off."

Merlin nodded before heading in the opposite direction. He had just rounded the corner when Arthur came out of nowhere, he raised his gun but not before Arthur maneged to pushed him up against the wall and kiss him. Without hesitation, Merlin immediately kissed him back, his gun falling to his side. Arthur raised a hand to cup his cheek while somehow managing to get even closer to him, running his tongue along Merlin's bottom lip. He pulled away much to soon and before Merlin could even open his mouth Arthur raised his gun to Merlin's chest and shot him. 

"Told you to watch your back." Arthur said a little breathlessly before smirking and walking away.

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