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“how am I supposed to be yours when I’m not even my own?” she said, crying her eyes out. Sitting on that bench that we sat on for the past 6 years together. Happy. Well, I guess.
“I just want the whole of you, Becky, I am not asking you to be something you are not. I just need you in my life.” I say, looking at her. Her hands are shaking, her face is all red and her body is stiff as a pole. I don’t really know why she is being like this. But I guess, I made some mistake I don’t know about.
“was this even real?” I ask, feeling some type grip in my throat. I want to cry. Me? Owen Henderson wants to cry. What is happening to me? ‘Get yourself together’ I tell myself. Am I really begging a girl to be with me? A girl I’ve fallen for the first time I saw?
“it was real. I just…I can’t do this Wen. I need to find myself and be my own and be who I want to be really. Not in a relation.” Becky says. But I know something is wrong, she is crying like she was shot. I know Becky and this is how she would cry if she felt guilty. The fuck is going on?
“okay, Becky, cut the bullshit, what is really happening here?” I ask, cold eyes, dry tears in my eyes. I can’t cry. “what happened? You are crying too much for just a break up. What did you do?”
“I cheated on you!” She screams. I am stiff. My mind can’t think of anything. I go cold. my heart stops beating I don’t know how long. What the fuck just happened? What’s going on. I was cheated on. I want to pull my hair out, I want to scream at her. But I can’t seem to find the words.
“say something Wen,” she shakes me, but I’m numb.
“with who?” I ask, without looking at her. I want to know that person. That person she hated me to love.
“Wen,” she pleads.
“who the fuck is it?” I ask angrily. I can’t help to feel red. i am angry and sad at the same time. I don’t even seem to know what I am feeling.
“it’s Tim.” She says looking down at her hands. My heart fully stops beating when I hear his name. I am disappointed, angry.
“my best friend?” I ask, being sure the answer. I don’t even know why I asked, for reassurance, I guess.
“yes, I am so sorry Wen-” she starts saying and I cut her off by standing up. “Wen, please listen to me-” I cut her off again
“and why the fuck would I listen to you?” I ask. “I mean, you knew me. I thought you loved me. I fucking told you I love you Becky, I never stopped showing you every fucking day. Where did I go wrong? What did I do?” I feel tears flow down on my cheek. but I wipe them off before the reach at the bottom of it. “I gave you everything. Every fucking bit of me. My vulnerability, love, energy, and you decide to cheat on me with that moth-” I stop myself.
“I am so sorry Wen; I swear I didn’t mean to do this.” She holds my hand and I pull away.
“how long?” I ask facing my car.
“how long what?” she asks,
“how long have you been together?” I ask her. Finally turning to look at her. “weeks, days, months?”
“at your party Before the Gala” she says still facing her hands.
“Oh my God, Becky that was like 4 months ago” I realize things that would have gave me heads up. “ why didn’t you just break up with me? all this time I have been falling deeper and deeper but you were never in love with me?” I cry. “why the fuck didn’t you just give up on me like everyone else?”
“that was the only reason, I didn’t want to leave you like everyone else. I wanted to be by you-” I cut her off again.
“You should have never even stood by me with the fucking lies. And you-” I stop talking when I hear a car approaching. I turn to see a Volkswagen, which I well know whose it is. Tim. “Fuck”
He parks and I get the urge of running and punching him the minute I see his face. But I calm myself down because I know this won’t change any fucking thing. I stare at him as he gets out of the car. He looks as guilty as Becky. What game are they playing? A guilty ass game?
“Wen,” he says my nickname. They only two people who were allowed to call me that. The two traitors. To say it all, I’ve never felt disgusted in my whole life to hear his voice.
“don’t, por favor, because you two, look as pathetic as the shit you did to me.”
I feel my head spinning because of the tears I am holding back. I can’t help but feel betrayed. I hate them both. I hate seeing them. Standing together, why haven’t I seen it before? What the fuck Is this happening to me.
“I don’t ever, in my whole fucking life, want to see you both. Don’t even try to look for my ass, because I am sure going to fuck with you both if you do.”
I went to my car, leaving them hanging. My heart is shattered. First time someone breaks my heart, first time I love someone. First time I feel numb as a dumb fuck. I drive at high speed because I want to reach home or maybe crash a truck. I don’t know. I just want to disappear.
“did you get everything you need?” My mom shouts from downstairs. I am always late for everything. I can never get early to anything. I am busy looking for my phone everywhere and I can’t seem to find it. What is wrong with me.
“Sam! What are you still doing up there?” I hear my mom’s voice getting rough. and that’s where I know she is getting impatient with my ass.
“Mom I can’t find my phone.” I shout on top of my lungs. I hear her heels hitting the wooden stairs. She is coming.
“is this what you are looking for?” she says holding my phone up. I need some pills that can help me remember stuff. Because my brain is bullshit. Maybe it’s that weed I got from Kenya, My best friend. What was that even? Tasted like shit but takes you miles.
“Thank you, Mom. Where did you find that?” I ask.
“you should stop smoking you know, that thing is bad for your health and you know it.” She says following me downstairs. She always tells me about how bad smoking is. But I know. I can’t stop though. That’s the only thing that gets me through the day.
“Mom, we’ve talked about this for like a million times. You really want to talk about this when I am going to college miles away from you?” I ask, staring at her, straight in the eye. I love my mom, and she is the most angelic person on earth. I love her unconditionally.
“No, we won’t I just wanted to tell you. At least reduce. I don’t want you to get cancer or something.” She says taking her keys.
“I got worse.” I say and she rolls her eyes.
“we should be going, where are your brothers?”
“Hey Assholes! Am eating your bacons!” I scream.
“Sam! Your language.” Mom tells me, shocked. I just laugh. My mom doesn’t like the bad language and cussing, but I am used to her complaining. We all are.
“why would you lie? There no bacons.” Dean says, breathing like an old truck because of running.
Dean is my big brother. Hot, tall as fuck, and total asshole. Black hair, loved by everyone. One second we don’t like each other the other one we are the best friends everyone wish to have. Dean is a senior at Ohio Campus. And I, am going to be a freshman. New born babies, they call us.
“and you think I care? Dumb fuck.” I say.
“Stupid bitch.” Dean replies.
“guys! You know that language is off limits in this house. What’s wrong with you?” mom says. She has been warning Us, and when we cuss, we put a dollar in the jar but today, we are safe. Because we got school.
“I’m sorry mom.” I say meaning it. I look at mom. She looks so sad, I guess it’s because she is going to remain with James only. “Mom, are you okay?”
She sits her cup down and holds her face in her hands. She starts sobbing, I stand up and hold her.
“Mom, it’s going to be okay and we’ll be coming to see you. Okay?” I say, feeling tears in my eyes, but I can’t let them fall. It will only make it worse.
“I just…just will miss you both so much, and your…” she cries in my arms.
“Mom, dad’s always with us everywhere we go. No matter how far, we are having him with us and you too.” Dean says, and hugs both of us.
“Um, what are you doing?” James stands in the kitchen door, looking confused.
We all laugh and mom wipes her tears off.
“Sit down and finish your breakfast or you’re going to be late.” She says and smiles.

(Hi Guys! So this Is my first book.  It's been hard because of the different English and all, but I hope y'all enjoy this book  the end and let me know in the comments how you feel about this book.) THANK YOU!!

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