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Owen’s POV
I was anxious about the operation, I am thinking about why they are not finishing. I have been pacing all the waiting room. The water Dean filled for me is still full for 3 hours. i know have to be patient but I can’t. I can’t seem to picture my life without her. I can’t see my future without her.
“you need to calm down,” Dean bumps me playfully on my shoulder next to me. I nervously smile. I can’t even seem to smile without her.
“I will…Later” I say. I am facing the operation room, I can’t seem to find peace without hearing that she is safe.
“She will be fine.” He tells me. “she is a fighter. She never stopped fighting.”
“I know she is.” I say.
‘I can’t cry’ I tell myself ‘I have to be strong for her.’
“you know she told me, if she doesn’t come back. she wants you to know this” I turn to face him. of course she planned on her death speech. “She hated you too much, then that hate turned into Love.” He says and I laugh quietly. It hurts to even hear this. It is nice. But I can’t stop feeling hurt.
“and that she is coming only for you.” He says and that catches my attention. “so don’t worry, she will be out. Safe and sound bro”
‘I hope so’
I am hearing voices. But I can’t seem to open my eyes. I am hearing a beep from the ECG machine. That’s where I realize I am attending my own operation. This is most scariest thing ever. I am awake in my spirit.
“scalper” a man’s voice says. they’re speaking in English. I thought they would all be Koreans and speaking in Korean. But they’re speaking English I guess they’re mixed with American doctors.
“how’s the ECG machine?” he asks someone next to him I think. I am not sure of how many people who’re operating.
“They’re stable, her breathing, her heart. everything” a woman says.
The scalper reaches my head and I feel it. but I don’t take it well, because that was it, I am sleeping slowly. My head is open. I feel like throwing up inside me.
“what is happening?” I hear the man’s voice. He is panicking. Something is wrong.
“She was awake and I think the anesthesia for the surgery didn’t make her sleep fully.” she says.
“you mean she was hearing what we were saying?” the man asks.
“yes, we need propofol to put her asleep completely until the surgery is over. If not…she’ll die.” The woman says.
“Fight Sam.” The doctor says.
“her heart is stopping” someone else says. I can feel the pain in my chest but I don’t know how to stop it.
“quickly bring the Defibrillator,” the doctor says. “we need her alive, hurry up!” and now, I feel my heart stop. I am not hearing anymore. I am Gone. Dead.
8years later.
“babe, we’re going to be late,” I scream on top of my lungs. We’re having a family diner, and she is late. “Henry, go get your mom,”
my 4 years old son runs upstairs for his mom and I remain downstairs, fixing my 2 year old daughter’s dress, Crystal, we named her. Henry doesn’t come back in 10 minutes and I start wondering what’s happening up there. So I decide walk upstairs to get the two of them. I find My son hugging his mom, this is an adorable moment but the only thing behind my mind is why she is crying. I take a step inside the room.
“Baby,” I say and she hands me a wooden picture frame. I look at it and I smile. It’s a picture of her and every one before her operation we go in Korea 8 years ago. She cries every time she sees things that make her remember that time. The time she didn’t have hope, when she thought she would die without a life after. When she thought she would never see anyone again, where she thought this life she is living will never come to day.  But it didn’t happen, she is here. She is the best Mom ever, and the best wife.
“don’t cry mommy, you don’t look beautiful like that.” Henry tells his mom, he wipes her tears. This is amazing. I love this moment. I would picture this moment forever because I never imagined this happiness in my life.
“I am happy baby,” she tells him, she wipes her tears and kisses his cheeks. “come here.” She tells me. I come close and hug her, with our little Crystal in my arms.
“I love you all” she hugs all of us.
“we love you too baby.” I tell her.
I never thought I would wake up from that bed one day. I slept for 5 months hearing everyone crying and happy. Kenya would read some of our journal stuff, Owen would kiss me. Mom would cry. Everyone would come and I loved every moment because eventually I had to wake up.
I went back to my life with no Tumor. I was free the only thing that made me feel less alive. I always thought I would die. And I did die. During the operation. But when I started hearing voices in my room even though I couldn’t move, I was happy. I was alive again. I woke up, I was like ‘This is it’. I am restarting from scratch. With Owen, with everyone in my life. When I woke up, I was back in Ohio, and I was happy because everyone was there to cheer me up. And I was happy. I would cry every time. It is like I woke up in the body of another Human.
Owen went back to school. And he graduated. I graduated one year after him. we were all thankful to God, because our lives, how they went, was a miracle. I got my Job at Derek’s the best designing company in Ohio. Owen is dealing with his PHD in Medicine and working at the international Hospital  as a cardiologist. I am so proud of Us. Of what we’ve become. After all these years. Trying to work out. And we made it.
All I can say is I would never change any single bit of it all. I would go over and over that pain again, just to see us Reach here.

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