chapter five

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I felt warmer than usual. It was a familiar warmth, but one I hadn't felt in a long time. Memories of last night came flooding back into my head and I realised why this warmth was so familiar.

Our legs were entangle, his hands were tightly holding onto my waist, one of my hands was sitting in his soft curls, from being their the night before, and the other was resting comfortably against his side. His fingers were tracing small patterns against my hip, telling me he was awake.

I don't know why he hadn't gotten up when he woke up, but it was certainly making it a lot harder for me to get up knowing we were both awake.

Deciding to pretend I never woke up, I kept my eyes closed and stayed exactly where I was.

"I know you're awake" He said, his voice only slightly low and groggy with sleep, telling me he'd been awake for a while. I hummed in response but neither of us made any effort to get up, both dreading having to talk about this situation.

It was only when two minutes later when his thumb started to slow and sleep began to take over him, that I knew I had to get up before he fully fell asleep again.

My movements caused him to open his eyes as I got up, sitting on my bed and leaning against the wall.

"How did I do this?" He asked, lifting his hand to look at it.

"You tried to break into the cafe" I stated, no emotion in my voice as the regret of falling asleep in his arms came flooding into me.

The room fell silent again as I stared at the wardrobe in front of me, my eyes flickering over the photos above. Memories of before we got together filled my mind. When he sat me on his shoulders and helped me put up the photos, when he cradled me in my hold while watching the horror film, when we were both too stubborn to admit that we were both falling for each other.

"I guess we should just cut to the chase and talk about this" He said, breaking the long silence.

"There's nothing to talk about" I shrugged, keeping my eyes fixed on the wardrobe. "You can go home and we can forget this ever-"

"Don't even bother finishing that sentence" He cut in, causing me to shoot my head towards him.

"Why not? We both know that you're good at ignoring things, so I don't see why it wouldn't work" I remarked as I absentmindedly fiddled with my ring. His eyes flickered down to my fingers and his eyebrows formed a deep v. He ignored my comment and instead stayed fixed to my ring. I shook my head, looking back to the wardrobe.

"I'd thought you'd have taken it off" He said after a while. I looked at him in disbelief, not believing that this was what he wanted to talk about.

"And why's that?" I asked, my tone cold and obviously telling him this shouldn't be our conversation right now.

"I don't know, I just thought that you would have hated seeing anything that reminded you of me. I thought you would hate me" He said quietly, causing me look over at him.

"I can't hate you" I admitted, my voice still holding no emotion as I turned my head to look back at the wardrobe when he looked at me. "I tried to, but it doesn't work. I don't think it could ever work" From the corner of my eye I could see him relax at my words.

"I'm sorry Em, that things ended the way they did" I don't know what I was expecting him to say and I don't know whether this was what I wanted to hear either.

"I'm sorry too" I said truthfully, still holding back the emotion in my voice.

"I don't just want to leave again. Not on bad terms at least" He added. Once again I found myself agreeing with him. Leaving things how they were left last time is the least thing I wanted.

"I don't want it either" I replied.

"So what are we going to do about it?" He asked. I looked over to him, this time meeting his eyes and not bothering to look away.

"Well I don't think we're going to work" I said, my finger pointing between the two of us. "But that doesn't mean we can't be friends" I added. He looked down, eyebrows forming another v as he thought.

I waited for him to reply, watching as him as he was deep in thought, fiddling with the rings on his fingers just as I did.

"I agree" He said finally. I looked back up to him. "I think we would be better as friends. It would certainly make things whole less awkward when we see each other. So I guess friends is better then exes"

"Friends" I said, giving him a small nod. He opened his mouth to reply just as Molly came in.

"Ni is saying that Harry's phone is on the-" Molly stopped talking, her eyes landing on Harry. She tilted her head, giving him a confused look before looking to me. "Why- you're the last person I expected to be here" She said, her eyes flickering between us. I looked back over to him as he gave me the same small nod.

"Friends" He repeated.

A short chapter today :) 

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