Holly was nice. She talked a lot and sometimes I thought I'd only be listening to her voice for the entire night, but she was nice. She was definitely pretty. The white dress she wore fitted her great, and she looked good in it. But my eyes had still wandered over to Emily, who looked perfect.
I spent a lot of my time, listening to Holly at the bar. And sometimes, I just couldn't listen anymore and I'd have to look over to Emily and Andrew, who seemed to be having a pretty good time. He had made her laugh a few times, and smile a lot, and I had started to think whether I should have picked someone... worse then him.
I couldn't help but notice Andrews hand that was placed on Emily's thigh for a lot of the night as well. It was like it was calling for me to slap it away so I could replace it with mine, but I didn't. Instead I kept my cool and continued joining in on conversation whenever I was asked about something.
Holly's hand ran up my arm, directing my attention back to her as she sat extremely close to me in the taxi. She wasn't even drunk, so it was clear that she was doing this because she wanted me. I however, was drunk. And yet I still didn't want to even place a finger anywhere on Holly, because my thoughts were all preoccupied with one specific person.
Holly leaned in, letting out a quiet giggle before pressing her lips to mine. My hands stayed by my side and my eyes stayed open as hers fluttered shut and traveled up my sides.
Her tongue begged for entrance, and I gave it to her, hoping something would happen. But nothing happened. There was no excitement in the kiss... at least not for me. I pulled away just as our taxi pulled up to Holly's house.
"Do you want to come in?" She giggled, grabbing onto my hand.
"I uh... maybe not" I said, hoping she wasn't offended. "But it was nice meeting you" I said.
I opened the taxi door, stumbling out and grabbing onto the door to support me. Holly got out after me, turning around and stopping in front of me.
"It was nice meeting you to Harry" She said, clearly offended that I wasn't coming in by the lack of emotion in her voice. "Emily has my number so if you want to try again some time, you can ask her" She added.
I swear I heard her mumbled something else as she walked away, but I was too drunk to even care. Holly wasn't what I wanted. She wasn't who I wanted.
I stumbled back into the taxi and gave the taxi driver my address, who didn't look the slightest bit fazed about the short make out session we had just had.
. . .
When Harry and Holly had left, I'd downed another shot. The amount of alcohol in my system had definitely caught up to me as I stumbled into a nearby taxi, nearly losing my balance.
I hated Holly. No. I hated seeing Holly with Harry. She didn't deserve to put her hand on every part of Harry she could. She didn't deserve to be the one getting him tonight. I deserved that because... because I did.
I was too drunk to even care about what I was doing, but I gave the taxi driver Harry's address. I don't know what I was going to do when I got there, especially seeing as there was the biggest chance that he would be at Holly's right now. But I still didn't care.
I thought about calling Harry and asking him for Andrew's number. That way I'd also be getting something tonight. But then I let out a loud laugh and knew that Andrew wasn't the one I wanted. He was attractive, but he was nothing like Harry.
The taxi pulled up outside Harry's gate. I gave the driver the money I owed her before stumbling out of the car. I gripped onto the gate, walking over to the keypad and punching in the code that I knew off by heart.