May i have this dance ?

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Place: Hogwarts
Year: 6th year you would be 17, I know the Yule ball happens before but I wanted it to happen when they were both teenagers and mature enough.
House: you're a Ravenclaw
Description of Y/N : black hair almost like a crow's feather, white skin and blue eyes with really dark eyebrows and eyelashes, tall.

Professor Mcgonagall: "students ! We're gonna start the dance lessons for the Christmas ball that will happen in three weeks, may you choose a partner to practice dancing."

I feel my cheeks going red and my jaw tightening, I'm sure no one will pick me. I see everyone getting into pairs, Hermione goes with Ron obviously, Harry with Ginny, even Crabbe and Boile are able to find themselves partners. I stand there amongst the few people left when I hear the door opening quickly, it's Malfoy that came late, of course. The professor calls him out as he's trying to act as if he isn't late.
-"Mr Malfoy ? Do you have a good reason for being late ?"
-"Well I don't need a reason I'm a Malfoy after all, right ?" He smirks while a few others laugh at his stupid joke.
He's just pathetic in my opinion.
-"Yes, I'm not so sure you'll keep that smile in detention this week, young man."
His smiles disappears quickly.
-"What ? Oh come on I was just joking around, I'm sorry alright please don't give me detention. I'll do anything."
Should have thought about that before huh ?
-"alright, everyone was choosing their partner for the practice before the ball in three weeks, i will take this weight off your shoulder and just choose for you Mr Malfoy, you'll be with .. Mrs Y/LN."
-"What ? Why can't I choose myself ,I don't want to be with her !"
-"it's either that or detention, your choice and I suggest you be nicer to her she's gonna be your partner for the next three weeks and at the practice ball"
Oh my god, she did not just paired me with Draco right ? I must have heard wrong, I can't be with him I hate him ! And I'm sure the feeling is mutual, oh god please tell me I misheard.
Oh no he's walking towards me, why's he looking at me this way it's weird.
Draco: " hi ! We're together to practice, not by choice so don't talk to me and don't try to be my friend, and before and after practice we don't know each other is that clear?"
I feel myself turning red and my fist clenching, who does he thinks he is to talk to me like that.
Y/N: "alright first of all", I almost scream, "I don't want to talk to you, I surely don't want to be your friend and I really don't want to have to acknowledge you in the hallway or at breakfast, second of all ,I didn't chose to be your partner either and believe me it's the last choice I would have ever made, you're stupid, full of yourself, and mean to other people for really no reason except that you're rich ! And lastly ! you have something on your face so maybe do something about that before you talk to me like that next time !
I hear some students who listened to the whole thing laugh a little.
I can see he's surprised to hear me scream at him, mostly because I don't talk a lot but then his smug smile comes back and he looks me up and down.
-"well, I didn't know the Ravenclaws had come back, these three weeks are gonna be fun !"
And he winks at me, he WINKS at me, does he really think he's all that.
While I'm still thinking about how much I hate him, a music starts, the kind of music that makes you wanna puke, that makes you wish you were deaf you know.
Then I hear McGonagall scream happily.
-"so, little students, come face to face with your partner and boys, put one hand on the hips and take the other hand, girl out your hand on the shoulder and take the other hand.
Eww, kill me please. Draco still has his smug smile and he looks at me waiting for me to start. He's not gonna have the pleasure, I take his hand and put it on my hips, put my hand on his shoulder and then take his other hand in mine, the contact of our skin sends a shiver through my whole body and I can tell he feels it too, because for a second his smile disappear and he looks uncomfortable. I try to hide what I feel right now and starts to move my feet a little, one step, two step till we dance in rythm with the music. I'm guiding him and we still don't look at each other in the eyes. Finally I look up and see him looking at me, our eyes Lock and I can feel my heart skipping a beat, I'm breathless for a second and I can sense a reaction in him too. When the music ends we quickly let go of each other but I know it's not the same anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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