ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 «Prologue 1-3»

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!Reminder! (F/s)- Favorite snack

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→ 2nd person

Hearing loud banging you groaned in annoyance.

"5 more minutes..."  your eye brows furrowed, getting irritated, hugging the plastic bag tighter.

"Crap. People are coming. Gotta get a uniform while..."

While you were inside the coffin a raccoon-like creature struggled in opening the cover. Giving up, the creature used its magic to open the cover.

"Grrr!! The lid is too heavy. Time for... my secret move! Guwaahuuh~~~~ There!"

After the fire was made from the creature, your eyes widen open the next second it was created, fearing that you'll get burnt.

"Okay, okay. Gotta get... Whaaaaaaa!!!! Why are you up!?" The creature screamed, shock that your awake.

"Whats a raccoon doing here...?!" shakily pointing at the raccoon thinking that he's the one who almost burnt you.

"Just who are you calling me a raccoon!!!! I am the great Grim!" He said full of fury "Well, whatever. Hey human! Hurry and gimme the clothes!"

"What are you saying?" questioning the raccoon why he's blabbering nonsense. You looked at yourself and saw a long robe covering your original clothing.

"Ya don't understand me? You're weird human. Whatever... if you don't give it to me... I'll roast ya!" Grim created flames out of thin air and it amazed you in a scary way.

"W-what'd you say raccoon?" legs shaking yet again from what it looks like a threat.

"I said I'm not a freaking raccoon!" Grim yelled in anger and threw fire at your direction. Barely dodging it, you ran in the direction you were looking at.

Loud huffs were heard from you, foot steps echoed in the hallways, sweat dripping down your forehead.

You turned a sharp right and saw an open door at the end of the hall way, a joyful smile was on your face and ran a bit faster.


Getting a bit more closer you tripped on thin air and the snacks were scattered across the floor, Grim got closer and he started to ignite his flames.

"Did you really think you'd get away from my nose? Dumb human! If you don't wanna get roasted, better hand over the—"

Ignoring everything around you, you crouched and shoved all the fallen snacks in the plastic bag.

"BUWAH!? Ow! What with this rope?" 

"This is not mere rope. It is he lash of love!" said the new voice that entered.

You stood up and looked at what happened, you saw Grim struggling in what looks like a 'rope', you looked where the rope came from and saw a tall man with sharp claws and a mask. He reminded you of a plague doctor.

"Are you one of the new students?" He looked at me with a smile on his face.


"Do you not understand me?"

"What are you saying?!" still confuse on what language they use.

"Aah, it looks like the spell wasn't applied to you yet. Why does this happen very often..." the crow man began to chant words and made hand gestures, suddenly sparkles surrounded you, but quickly faded away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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