Chapter One~The Train

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"You are an insufferable git Draco Malfoy!" Harry shouted across the train. Rage boiled hot in his veins as he stared at the back of the blonde haired boy, Draco Malfoy. If looks could kill, Malfoy would have been a pile of ash on the floor.

Hermione and Ron shook their heads, "Honesty Harry, why don't you just let it all go? He's been through enough." Hermione's voice was quiet.

"How can I let SEVEN YEARS OF HATRED GO?!" He screamed. The others winced at his harsh tone. "He never gave me a chance, and now I have to give him a chance? He's insulted my parents, insulted my best friends and pretty much everyone else who didn't side with him."

"Harry please...the war is over, Voldemort is dead and the death eaters were caught...Just let it go. You have no idea what he goes through."

"And you do?" Harry sighed, plopping onto seat and watched the scenery pass by. He didn't watch Cedric Diggory get murdered, he chose to be a Death eater, why should I care?

They sat in silence the rest of the ride. What a  great start for my 8th year....

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