Chapter 5: Being Stupid Will Lead You in Becoming a Witch

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"It's all my fault I shouldn't have done that! Said Modoka."

"Modoka was Talking with Yu and His Friend at a Beach Near a Park."

"It's alright now, at least Sayaka Safe For Now at Least said Chie."

"Yeah Don't Blame Yourself For it said Kanji."
Yosuke Looked Upset."
Are you ok Yosuke? Said Modoka."

"I guess, But What Kyubay Said about Saki-Senpai really Pissed Me off said Yosuke."

"Really Loved Saki But I can't Do anything about now, When He said about her, it just brought back Bad Memories said Yosuke."

"My mom gave me advice to Do Something Wrong to Snap Sayaka Out of What she was Doing but all that Did was Cause More Trouble said Modoka."

"Even if you were doing something you Thought was Right said Yu."

"It Doesn't mean you have to Feel Guilty You were only trying to help said Yu."

"It's best You Go Home For Now Like Sayaka Did to Clear her mind, Best if we all do the Same said Naoto."

"Ok then said Modoka."

"With Sayaka at Her Place."
She Went into Her room where Kyubay was Sitting on a Chair."

"Sayaka Turned on her Desk Light and Put her Soul Gem on her Desk."

"You Tricked Us Didn't said Sayaka."
Not necessarily, I Did made it Perfectly Clear I wanted you two to become Magical Girls maybe my Suggestion to The Persona-Users were a little off Topic said Kyubay."

"I just didn't explain the Exact Format what form a magical girl will be taking to do that's all said Kyubay."

"Sayaka Got angrier, She Threw Her Desk Chiar to the Floor."

"Then Went over to Kyubay."
Why wouldn't you tell us something like that! Said Sayaka."

"Because You Guys Never Asked, plus they already knew said Kyubay."

"Besides if you guys Never Found out it Wouldn't Bother you guys one bit, in fact Mami never found out, Even for her at the End said Kyubay."

"You Humans and Persona-Users, Don't even realize you have souls, there not something you can physically feel inside you Said kyubay."

"Your Bodies are Such fragile containers, The Shadows from Narukami's World Could Rip you apart in seconds, your bodies are noting but a Cluster of Neurons, Organs and a Circulatory System said Kyubay."

"It's an amazing Construction,
But Once your Bodies Stops Functioning Your Soul Disappears said Kyubay."

"To Keep that From Happening, I Put Your Guys Soul Into a physical Form, it makes the Soul Easier to Protect and user to keep track of said Kyubay."

"Then I bet you were the one that Trap Narukami and His Friends Here! Said Sayaka."

"Kyubay Ran over to Sayaka's Desk."
I wasn't finished what I was Talking about, But Do you exactly have Proof it was me or not someone else said Kyubay."

"Anyway as I was saying earlier, That way you can battle witches and not have to worry about it said Kyubay."

"Unlike Persona-Users They Can Lose Energy and Health Quickly Just By Using there Personas and have to worry a lot said Kyubay."

"Well nobody asked you! To do that did they!, and you don't even know what Personas like your Still New to it too even if Margaret told you she isn't gonna tell you anything because she doesn't trust you! Said Sayaka."

"You Still Don't Understand The Dangers of consequences in Combat Do You said Kyubay."

"Naoto and Rise Tried Telling You it was Too Dangerous and you Didn't listen said Kyubay."

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